Chapter 1: Tragic order

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October 02 1984:

Today was the joyous day when the Moriarty heir will be born. Anxiously pacing outside their bedroom door, Richard awaited his first child. Nurses and the midwife is already in there with his wife and all he could do is wait.

He hoped and prayed for a son to succeed the house, having a son first will be more beneficial than having a daughter first, his reputation is on the line!

He decided to sit down on a nearby chair and think. How will he announce his children's birth, who will he tell first? The Byrons has been really proud of their second son, Capell has their first daughter only 3 months ago which should be a fine candidate for engagement-!!

A loud screech from behind the door snapped him out of his thought. Then, a loud cry was heard throughout the Moriarty mansion.


At the midwifes exclaim, something clicked in Richard as he slowly slumped down in his wooden chair. A daughter as his eldest? His nightmare came true. His dull green eyes twitched in irritation as it has become something of an annoyance to him. A girl? Leading the house of Moriarty? Absurd.

He stood up with an abrupt thump and marched over to their bedroom door. A deep frown etched on his face as he knocked on the wooden door. He ought to give his wife a piece of his mind on having a daughter first than a son.

What was he going to do with a daughter as the heiress?! Marrying her off and having no heir left?!


At his booming voice, a maid came up and only opened the door slightly to meet her fuming master.

"I-I'm afraid not Master. Madam is still in l-labor" she meekly said, further hiding her frame behind the door.


Right on cue, a pained scream echoed through the door while encouraging words were yelled at by the midwife. The crying of his first child stopped but it seems like he's having twins...

Twin girls as his first two children. He continue to dread of the utter embarrassment his wife has brought upon the noble name.

'I've done everything for her and gave her everything she wants and she repays me with THIS?! That wench needs a lesson'

Richards dull and murky green eyes slowly narrowed in increasing fury as he sat back down in the wooden chair. His face twisted into one with deep arrogance while he glared a hole into their bedroom door.

After several minutes had passed, another cry rang out throughout the mansion, this one a bit less vigorous than the first. With a long annoyed sigh Richard stood from his wooden chair and dragged himself towards the door.

Before he turned the doorknob an overjoyed shout came from behind the door. "ITS A MIRACLE MADAM! ITS A BOY" Richard got taken aback by the scream. As his brain finally processed the cry he immediately brightened up.

Richard charged through the door with a bang, pushing down a maid that was standing by the door and straight towards the extremely newborn child. He swiped the child from the midwife and laughed with the most joy he ever felt. "MY DEAR SON"

The midwife was downright horrified. "MY LORD!? PLEASE RETURN THE CHILD TO ME! THE UMBILICAL CORD IS NOT YET CUT, THE CHILD MIGHT BE SUFFOCATING FROM FLUIDS!" The child's cries became even louder from the shouting which finally snapped Richard out of his euphoria. Coming to his senses, he swiftly gave back his son to the midwife and the maids started to treat the child.

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