Chapter 2: Selective love

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December 08 1984:

"Did you hear about the Churchill household? They must be overjoyed at their engagement with the Winstons, Their second son is absolutely charming"

"I'd say they don't match, with his achievements he should be with someone better than a viscounts extra daughter. Have you seen her posture? it looked like she was mimicking a boar"

gasps were heard around the table. Some of the ladies had their fans out, delicately covering their sneers behind it. 

"Oh countess Dormer! that's simply too much! how heartbreaking it would have been if she heard that!"

"Ohoho agreed~"

"Absolutely! she might just return to the forests if she heard that! How horrible would that be!"

Poised chuckles once again resounded around the table. Each lady filled with jealously and absolute malice towards every new topic they can find. Martha found this to be her favorite activity in her schedule as she was with all the upperclass ladies in all of Britain. Days were always enjoyable with each tea party hosted, she was in her element, this is where she belong ever since she was born. She reached out her hand and picked up a small pastry from the fancy dessert stand. 

"Countess Moriarty! I'm glad you could still attend my tea party after having children! I heard you had twins is this true?" Shining blue eyes were directed at Martha which caused everyone to turn their attention to her. With mannered laughter Martha replied.

"Of course Duchess Battenberg, I wouldn't miss your wonderful tea parties for anything! Indeed I had twins, a boy and a girl" 

"My~ My~ Countess Moriarty you jest. Congratulations on the twins! They will grow up to be splendid I just know it!"

the other ladies joined in as well

"Twins?! that's so rare! and with different genders at that! such luck Countess Moriarty!"

"You're so blessed to have a son and a daughter at once! I envy you so!"

At their words, Martha became proud and prideful. Giving her thanks in a modest and humble way back at the compliments.

"Oh you're simply so lucky Countess Moriarty! I had to wait for my third for a daughter but yours is your first! She must be really cute!" a voice sweet as honey, was heard right across from Martha, there sat Marchioness Russel. The smile on Marthas face became strained. 

Whispers could be heard all around her. Hidden behind the decorated fans were trails of black sludge. Dark, foul and infectious. The atmosphere took a turn for the worse. The air around the table became heavy and uncertain. 

"..a daughter first?"

"What a plunder!"

"she as a son too. Shame its the younger one"

"how disgraceful."

"I pity for her"


"The house of Moriarty is surely falling"

Martha shakily bit her inner lip. Her honey brown eyes glanced towards the other upperclass ladies at the table. The once 'adoring' eyes turned cold. Each looking down on her like she was a dirty peasant in the streets.

She was getting more anxious but clutched her fan tightly. No, she can't let herself be trampled like this. She's a proud noble lady of the court, her pride is not to be hurt by such a thing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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