Chapter 4

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Jinx's POV

Silco is currently in Snake's room, I can just barely hear them talking. It's probably serious, so I shouldn't listen in.

"Shit," I whisper, accidentally cutting my finger with the knife I was using to work on a new weapon. I quickly grab a cloth and a bandage, wrapping the bloody finger up.

I hear Silco and Snake stop talking for a second, making me wonder. What's Snake's room like? I've never even been in. My room is in the open, though theirs is cut off by a curtain over a hole in the wall. The hole made from the explosion of my monkey bomb, the one that took away Sevika's arm. I can get a glimpse of what's behind the curtain every once in a while, but I never actually see much but purple lights. And I hear them playing music every once in a while, or even singing. I quite like it, it's comforting after a hard day.

The curtain opens to reveal Silco, walking my way.

"What are you working on now, Jinx?" He asks, getting closer.

"A new weapon," I say, sliding my goggles off of my face to see him clearly.

"I wanted to ask you a favor." He leans in closer, "now that Snake and you will be working together, could you make them a weapon?"

"A weapon? What kind?" I'm surprised by the question of course, not even knowing where I'd start with it.

"Maybe something that goes with their style. A gun? Or perhaps a set of knives? Whatever you feel is right."

"Yeah," I respond, thinking of an idea. "Yeah, I got something." I look down at the new weapon that's nearly finished. "I was going to sell this, but I think that this would work great for them."

Silco takes a look of the weapon in my hand. "Is that... a scythe?"

"Yup, made with a super sharp blade too. It can also retract into a curved knife for close combat. Would this work?" I hold the scythe up to him, showing off the details I put many hours in.

"That would work, very creative if you Jinx," he says, flashing a bit of care into his voice.

"Thanks, I'll let you know when I'm finished. I still have a bit of work to do, so I'm not sure how long it will be."

"That's fine, whenever it's finished you can give it to them. You can show them how to use it, possibly teach them a few things."

"Yeah, that'll be nice," I say, remembering earlier. I made those crunches to be nice, now I'm giving them a weapon? They're going to start to assume things.

"Well, Jinx," he says, starting to leave. "Goodnight."

"Night night, big man," I smile, putting my goggles back on.

As I'm working, I start to think of them more. I've liked them for years, but was always to intimidated by them to talk to them. They're tall, strong, and attractive. I'm tiny and weak, other than my big ass guns. I can do some cool shit with those!!
I'm never intimidated by people, but for some reason I am with them. And earlier when they showed their kind and caring heart, it made me so happy. I felt like I was floating on air seeing their smile. And having them thank me so much... I have to make more stuff to give to them. It'll give me an excuse to talk to them, I'm too nervous to do it otherwise.

I put the scythe down and head towards my pull out couch. Laying down and pulling the blankets up, resting my head on the hard pillow. I wonder, is Snake's bed softer? I know that they have money, so they probably are living the life in there. Maybe one day I'll be able to share a bed with them. No, you're getting your hopes up, Jinx, they would never feel the same way.

"Ugh," I groan, turning over to get comfortable as a blush of pink crosses my face. "One day, maybe." I drift off to sleep.

Snake's POV

I wake up in my poorly lit room, lifting my head off of my soft pillow. I look over to my side, seeing the brightly colored crunches once again. Shit, I remember now. God I don't wanna get out of bed and have to deal with this, but I'm hungry.
I lift myself out of bed, heading out of my room with the clacking sound with me. Wearing the same clothes as yesterday, I arrive to the empty kitchen. I reach in the fridge and pull out some sausage and biscuits, putting the biscuits in the oven and cooking the sausage on the stove.

I put together both biscuits and start heading back to my room. I realize, maybe 2 is too much for me. These new biscuits are a bit larger than the last, I don't think I'll be able to eat both.
I look over to see Jinx asleep on her couch.
I think I'll give it to her, she may like it.

I set down one of the crunches so I can take it over to her side of the platform easier, making the least noise I can possible as not to wake her.
I set it down on her small table, grabbing a piece of paper and pencil from her working area to write 'I hope it's not too cold by the time you wake up- Snake'. I set both together on her small table, getting ready to walk away before taking a small look back at her. She's actually quite pretty, when she's not shooting at least.

I clack away with the one of the crunches under my arm, entering my room for once again another day of rest. Hopefully I'll get better soon.

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