Chapter 7

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-Jinx POV-

I didn't think, I had no second thought. But suddenly, I found myself in between them, holding Snake.

"Fuck you," I huff at the girl.

"Oh, speak of the devil," she says.

"Jinx, leave," Snakes eyes met mine. "I don't want you in the middle of it."

"No," I choke out. "I'm not letting you go with her."

"Aweee," Lena coos. "You two are adorable together. Now scram, blueberry."

"Fuck no," I yell in her face. Suddenly, my fist is hitting her face. I grab Snake's wrist and run.

The dirty alley ways, the rough sidewalks, they're all blurred by how fast I'm running. Snake is lagging behind, clearly scared as they hold their blazer shut. Their hand in mine, it was something I had always wanted- just not like this. We pull into another alley way, closer to home than before.

"Goddammit Jinx," they growl. "You could have gotten hurt."

"So? I was just trying to help-" suddenly, voices fill my head.

"You were just trying to help," one says.

"You fucked it up again, Jinx."

I cover my ears and crouch down, Snake following to my height. This has happened before, many times. But this has barely happened around them.

"Leave me alone guys," I say quietly. "I did the right thing. Shut up." Suddenly, I feel someone's arms around me pulling me tight.

"Leave her alone," they whisper. "She did the right thing. I thank her for that."

The voices leave, this time it was all just anxiety of fucking up again. I embrace them, digging my face into the shoulder. I then remember, and start to feel guilty.

"Shit, I'm sorry- I'm supposed to be helping you not the other way around," I cry softly, starting to pull away. But they just pull me closer.

"It's fine, J. We are both having a rough night, you shouldn't have to put away your feelings."

Those words warmed me. They're the one, they genuinely care for me like no one else has. My tears sting my cheeks, flowing down into their blazer. I suddenly feel the same happening to me, but down my open back.

"Let's go home," they say, starting to stand up. Out of nowhere, a roar of thunder surprises us. "Shit, hurry!"

We arrive back to our rooms just when it starts to rain. I quickly run to my room and start gathering the things I left out under the open roof. All of my clothes have been soaked, though there weren't many to begin with. I huddle under my small cover of the building that was left, sitting on my couch soaked. Looking up, I see Snake walking over to me with an umbrella.

"Here," they say. "Come stay with me for the night. We don't need you catching a cold."

My heart flutters. I've never seen their room. Will we be sharing a bed? What about my clothes? Fuck.

-Snake's POV-

The idea of sharing a room with Jinx scared me a bit, my still tipsy mind can barely control myself. But as she walks into my room, she looks amazed. I walk over to my drawers, pulling out some sweatpants, a pair of boxers, and a sweater. Handing it to her, I grab my own clothes and turn around, starting to undress myself.

"Don't worry," I reassure. "I won't look." She stays silent, but i could hear the sound of her clothes hitting the floor. I change into the same, just different colors. "Just hang your clothes on the chair, we can wash ours tomorrow."

"Mkay," she says, still standing faced away. I just finish putting on my last bit of clothing. "Uh, Snake, I think it's all a little big for me," she chuckles.

I turn around, seeing a poorly dressed figure. The pants were falling down around her hips as loose boxers barely hold them up as she lifts her sweater to show me. I laugh, her tiny body becoming enraged.

"Don't laugh," she huffs. I couldn't help it, she was just so small composited to me. But oddly enough, the messy pants hanging off and seeing my boxers on her, I quite liked it. "Ya like what you see?"

"That's my line," I roll my eyes at her, turning around to my bed. I mumble an unintelligible "yeah."

"What was that?" She asks, walking over to me, pants starting to fall down. She quickly grabs them and yanks them back up, embarrassed.

"Just take them off, I don't mind," I state. Her face turns bright red.

"Just in the boxers and sweater?" Her flushed face asks.

"Yeah, it's alright. That's the smallest pair I have so might as well before they come off themselves."

She takes them off, laying them on the dresser in which I got them from. She grabs her sweater, pulling it down more to make sure it didn't show anything. Her legs, freckled, just showing. I just chuckle, patting the bed beside me. As she sits down, I lay onto my back and listen to the rain.

"Why were you going to go with her?" She asks, turning her head to see me.

My head turns to see her beautiful blue eyes looking into mine. I sigh. "I didn't want you to get hurt."

"All she did was threaten to beat me, you think I couldn't win that?"

"Of course I do, J. I just don't want you getting in the middle of my personal shit. It's between me and her, she's just trying to create more drama."

"I don't care, I'm going to protect you."

"What for? We just became friends after being strangers for nearly 10 years. What makes me so special?"

She looks into my eyes, a small bit of red covering her cheeks. "I don't know, I just-" she sighs. "I got attached is all."

I want to confess to her, but I just can't. This friendship is too special to me, I can't let it go.

"I understand that. Know I'd do the same for you," I slightly smile at her.

"Pinky promise?" She asks as she holds her small hand up.

"Pinky promise," I say, interlocking my pinky finger with hers.

I move against my pillows, still slightly sitting up. I guess she took this as an opportunity as she lays her head in my lap. The heavy rain covers our breaths as we lay there, looking at one another. My hand reaches her braid, pulling out the hair tie. I pull the pieces out from one another as I reach for my brush on my bedside table.
Her soft hair lays in my hands as i untangle her long braids, running my brush and fingers through her hair as she slowly falls asleep.

-Narrating POV-

At this moment, you could even assume they were together. But both were too scared to ask from fear of rejection and losing the friendship they worked so hard for over the past months.

But soon.


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