An odd day indeed

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Izuku Midoriya is a 14 year old boy going to aldera junior high, he lives with his mom and his dad works over seas, his grades in school are below average but you would think if he put a little effort in he would be able to pass. All in all his life is fairely average, or so it would seem...

Truth be told, that first part was leaving out a lot of important details...So let me refraze that;

Izuku Midoriya is infact a 14 year old boy going to the hell under the name of aldera junior high, he lives with his neglective mother and his father left the day he was declared quirkless, his grades are low not because he is slacking off but because the teachers seem to enjoy the idea of grading him unfairly. To some it up he his life is very unpleasant.

If you asked the boy if something was wrong(that is if someone actually cared about his well being enough to ask) he would simply say 'no but thanks for your concern' and walk away. The reason for this being he does not realise just how cruel the world is being to him. A simple day of 4 part time jobs, cleaning the house, making his 'mother' food and making sure he has all his necessities was the norm. He had mastered the art of bandaging and using concelor thanks to his wonderfull childhood friend and his lackeys, can cloak his presence to avoid trouble thanks to the other students in his school and can easily read a person's body language and overall attitude thanks to his mother.

Little did this poor boy know that today was the day his life would change, for better or for worst...

♤Izuku POV♤

I had just gotten back from my morning shift and was heading to school when a sudden wave of dizziness hit me. It was pretty inconvenient when this happened cause it usually ment that the
day was going to be pretty wrough but it's fine, I have gotten through days like these before and as it is apparent I'm still here so that's a good thing.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, my suspicions were proved to be correct by an explosion to my back. As I turned around I saw Bakugou Katsuki or as I prefer to call him, Kacchan, looking at me with a very twisted grin on his face. At that moment I knew I was probably going to miss school today...

*6 hours later*

After having finally regained conciousness, I looked around to see I was still in the alleyway they beat me in. Which was good I suppose because it means I was not kidnapped 'not that anyone would want a quirkless person like me anyway'. I then checked the damage, and to my surprise it was actually less then usual meaning I should be able to get home.

I had a broken leg for sure along with what seems to be a minor concussion, a few 2nd degree burns on my arms and back along with what I think is bleeding from my scalp, I must have banged my head on the dumpster while falling.

Seeing that I needed to get home before my night shift started, I got up and began my journey home. The limp I had caused some minor inconveniences so I was going slower then usual, an issue if I wanted to keep my job...

I was about half way there when started to black out 'now I'm definitely going to lose my job'. The last thing I remember was the feeling of someone catching and then everything went dark...

◇Shigaraki POV◇

I had left the bar to get some fresh air when I noticed a green haired boy, covered in blood walking through the streets. Now normally I wouldn't bat an eye considering some stupid hero or civilian would soon show up to investigate, but to my surprise no one did. Anyone who saw him simply turned there head in 'disgust'? Even a hero who passed by simply looked his way for a moment and continued on there patrol. Honestly this is why I hate heroes, there all in it for the fame and glory, never to save the people in need.

In the end out of curiosity I 'asked' a random NPC what was up and what I heard shocked me...

The green haired kid was a quirkless and by the sounds of it no one really cared enough to help, apparently it was NORMAL to see this kid limping his way home at night, or passed out in an alleyway in the day. This really is just another example of how twisted this stupid hero filled society really is.

I was about to head back to the bar when the kid seemed to be on the verge of passing out. I walked up to him, and it seems just in time too, because just as I was close enough he fell and I ended up catching the brat. I had a pair of special three figure gloves on so he did not disintegrate.

Having few choices I decided to bring him back to the bar because I refused to leave him in the streets like those stupid mindless NPCs, and for some reason I got the gut feeling I had just found a quest character.

Walking into the bar, I was met with the, well what I assumed was shocked face of kurogiri as he stared at me for a moment before speaking;

"Welcome back master Shigaraki, may I ask why you have a boy with you? And to who he might be if I may add..."

"I found the brat on the streets limping home and figured I would do the opossite of the stupid NPCs and ask him what was up nut he passed out so I brought him here. Now are you just going to stand there or are you going to get the first aid kit"

"Very well master"

♧Kurogiri POV♧

It was a normal day at the bar. I was cleaning the glasses when all of the sudden master Shigaraki came back carrying a green haired boy. To be honest I was shocked he had brought someone to the bar considering he was not one to interact with other people while out on his walks. Once I got a better look at the boy I noticed the state he was in. Now I was questioning if Shigaraki did this or it was the work of a third party. Judging by his request for a first aid kit the answer became obvious.

While tending to the boys wounds I figured it would be a good time to ask a few questions as to figure out his motives for bring the child here;

"If I may ask once again master Shigaraki, who exactly is this boy?"

"I don't got a name but he is some quirkless brat and he is a middle schooler I think"

Now if I was shocked before, it was ten times worse now. Considering only about 20% of the world were quirkless and 17% of those individuals were the elderly, that would mean he found one of the rare 3% of the younger generation without a quirk.

"Is there a particular reason you are aiding this boy?"

"I just have a gut feeling I found an important quest character that will somehow improve our stats"

"Well for now we will have to wait and see, though what do we do with the boy in the mean time?"

"Just lay him down on the couch until he wakes up, we can figure out the details later"

As I pick him up to move him from his spot on the floor, I notice that he seems to be severely under weight. Deciding to ask questions later I place him on the couch and go back to my work. At this point only time can tell what purpose the boy will serve.

1350 words


Hello anyone reading this! I would like to say congrats you made it to the end of this chapter. If you want a chapter two the I will gladly make one but in order for me to know people are actually interested in this story I need feed back so feel free to comment on improvements I could make along with spelling mistakes and ideas for future events in the story!

And that's all I had to say! Have an amaizing week and hope you enjoyed!

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