An offer?

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♤Izuku POV♤

It's been a few days now. Kurogiri wouldn't let me leave until I was completely healed.

I've learned a few things because of my stay there. For example I now know that that shigaraki is the name of the man who brought me here. He is obsessed with video games and... hands? I'm not really sure why but he wears these really real looking hands. He has five of them and they seem to mean a lot to him.

I have also learned the bartender's name is kurogiri! He does not talk a lot but he seems to like things being nice and tidy.

Over the last three days I have been trying to help out arround the here and there. It took a lot of convincing but I managed to get kurogiri to let me help him out in the bar. I want to repay them somehow for there help so I figured why not help them out to.

I'm actually getting pretty good with mixing drinks and stuff so that's been pretty fun.

Right now I'm laying on my bed at home.

You curious as to how I got here? Well here is what happened...

¡¿~Flash back to 30 mins before Izuku's internal monologue~!?

%No one's POV%

Shigaraki seemed kinda on edge. He looked like he had something to say but did not know how to go about asking.

Finally it seemed like he had made up his mind so he started to speak;

- Hey Midoriya, I heard you were looking for a job?

- Uh ya actually... my mom has been stretching herself thin recently and I wanted to lend a hand.

Shigaraki couldn't help but smirk a little at the kids reasoning.

- Well if that's the case I may just be able to help you with that.

This caught Izuku's attention.

- Really!

Shigaraki laughed a little and continued.

- Ya, as you probably noticed we are a little short handed at the bar. A little help arround here is always appreciated. You would get paid 18$ an hour and any overtime you get 20$.

And that was Shigaraki's plan. The kid was a genius when it came to analysis and he was not going to let that talent go to waste. A cool bonus point being that the brat was tolerable. The only issue with his plan was that the kid was pure as snow, he would never willingly put someone in harm's way. So keeping him at the bar also ment he could get information out of him.
The brats innocence seemed to make him completely oblivious to Shigaraki's oddly specific questions.

Now Shigaraki would never admit it but over the course of the last few days the kid had grown on him. But don't tell anybody you heard this from me!

Anyways back to the conversation;

- ...

- uh mister Shigaraki...

- Ya kid?

- ...

- I'm sorry but uhm... I'm a minor. I'm pretty sure it's illegal for me to work in a bar...

- ...

And now Shigaraki's mind was going a thousand miles an hour trying to think of a convincing reason to by pass that law.

- ...

- Well you wouldn't really be working with alcohol and stuff, just uh... helping Kurogiri with the orders and clean up! Ya and you could be more of an intern that gets paid. It's good to have some job experience working with people, it looks good on a resume.

At this the kid seemed to perk up.

- Oh! Then ya that would be great! Thank you so much! When should I start?


- Tomorrow after your done school. Here is the places address stop by and we will work out the hours.

- Ok well thank for the past three days! I better be off know before my mom dies of a heart attack.

And with that Izuku left, happier then he had ever been. He just couldn't wait for tomorrow.

653 words

Hello people! Sorry this chapter took so long... it took me a while to get the motivation to write it. I'm hoping to get the next chapter out soon but until then this is good bye for now. Thank you all for the support! Have an awesome week and I'm signing off!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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