Chapter 2: Interrogation

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It was only 9:30 in the evening and already it was pitch black outside the only light coming from street lamps and windows of nearby buildings.

Sitting on the edge of one of these buildings was Katsuki; he was watching the street below where a few people were milling about, including his target. Katsuki's eyes followed the man for for a while until the man finally turned down in alley.

"He's on his way." Katsuki spoke in a board monotone, seemingly to no one. With a sigh he stood up and made his way to one of the rooftops above the alleyway the man was in. Perching on the edge Katsuki decided to watch and wait.

The man was halfway down the alley when he noticed a white haired man in a business suit standing about 15 ft ahead of him. They stared at each other for a moment before the targeted man held as he realized who exactly the man before him was.

All For One was the first to speak "Hello Kaname."he spoke in a pleasant voice that was anything but. The man now named kaname turned to run but he only managed a few steps before a wait slammed down onto him.

Kind of make it here All For One walk up to him as he managed to turn his head to look at the weight on his back. Kaname froze when he looked up and saw blood red eyes staring at him.

"I think we need to have a talk." All For One said before pain exploded in his head. Those red eyes being the last thing he saw before it all went dark.


When Kaname fell limp Katsuki got to his feet, he looked to All For One waiting for instruction. The older man knelt down to pick Kaname up and said "help me pick him up."

When they were both steady they walked to the end of the alley where All For One opened a portal. Walking through Katsuki noted that they arrived at a warehouse. They strapped the Kaname to a chair in a makeshift cell.

While they waited for the man to wake all for one briefed katski on what exactly they were doing and why.

"I have heard from some reliable sources that kaname has been talking... To heroes." Katsuki recoiled a little at this. "I'm not sure what he told them, but that is what we are here to find out."

If you hours later when Kaname begin to stir all for one sat in a chair outside the cell while Katsuki went in inside it with the man out of sight and ready for his role in this interrogation.


When Kaname opened his eyes the first thing he noticed was that he was in a cell of sorts and that he was tied up, then he saw all for one sitting, staring at him.

Kaname paled and started trembling, and flinched when All For One cleared his throat. "I heard you've been talking with some interesting people. Care to tell me who." The white haired man said despite already knowing the answer. Kaname  shook his head as his trembling increased.

"Really?" All For One spoke, voice filled with mock surprise. The bound man shook his head again and spoke with a shaky, panicked voice. "I haven't, I swear!" All for one shook his head with a sigh and lowered  it.

"I thought you were smarter than this." Then he looked up, not looking at kaname but behind him. "Katsuki." He said expectantly. He flinched and let out a short scream of pain as he felt a knife sliced down his forearm.

He tried to look at who was holding the blade but his attention was drawn back when all for one cleared his throat. "Who." That one word was enough to make Kaname freeze. It wasn't a question, it was a demand for an answer.

"Heroes." he whispered, then he screamed as the blade sliced along his abdomen. "Heroes!" He said louder. All for one despite already knowing this was still displeased at the admission.

"Oh, do tell what you said to them." His voice laced with venom. Kaname hesitated but when the knife ripped the flesh from the top of his thigh to his knee he screamed "you, I told them about you!" He rushed out in a horse voice. "And?" All for one questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Kaname bit his lip, shaking his head he looked down, trembling and tears streaming down his face.
All For One sighed and look Katsuki in the eye and nodded.

The grin on Katsuki's face would have made the grim reaper shudder in fear. He walked to stand in front of Kaname and knelt down looking the older man in the eyes.
He reached his hand forward, not touching the man but enough so the man could see his the palm of his hand.
Kaname looked confused for a moment, then he saw the palm of Katsuki's outstretched hand start to turn a bright orange and the air around was visibly hot.

Katsuki then ran one of his fingers along the knife wound on Kaname's arm. The older man screamed as Katsuki  did the same to the abdominal and leg wounds.

"What else did you tell the heroes." All For One questioned, a steely edge to his voice. Katsuki with Drew his blood coated hand and walked to stand behind the man again.

"I told them about your wife and son." He said between sobs. All For One went rigid but managed to keep his face blank.

"Did you tell them their names?" He asked in a deceptively calm voice. "No" Kaname managed weekly.

"Good" all for one nodded, he then looked at Katsuki, "Dispose of him." And he walked away.

Katsuki moved so kind of make it see his face and grinned. The older man paled more than Katsuki thought he could with between the blood loss and is already pale complexion.

Katsuki put his hand flat on the man's stomach. Kaname now knowing some of what Katsuki could do tried to flinch away. He screamed when the hand grew hot and burned through his flesh.

When Katsuki pulled his hand away kaname was crying and breathing heavily. Katsuki stood up and leaned forward. He brought his hand to the older man's throat and looked him in the eye.

Kaname stared with fear filled eyes into the crazed blood red eyes of the boy in front of him.

"Die." Katsuki whispered and let off an explosion. His hands were still covered in blood as he walked out.

All for one turned when he heard Katsuki closing the warehouse door. "Let's go." All For One said as he opened a portal.

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