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lost in my thoughts i got out of bed and looked at the time. its 4 am why am i still wake i should get some sleep but something tells me to stay awake and quiet.

i sat looking out the window glowing lights flashing past. it was quiet to quite so quiet i could hear myself breathing something that means something bad is going to happen like i will die or the house will go into flames.

i tried to keep my mind of things like that but it was hard to stop the voices creeping into my head. before i new it the time said 9:43 am.

"George sweetie get up we need to head over to your new school and pick up the uniform before you start on monday." she stood in the door holding her phone and a small box.

"whats the box for mum." she placed her eyes back onto me before her phone went of.

"since niki is giving us a free ride there i have brought her a small thank you gift we can give her after the ride. i just dont feel like walking up the road i mean its a 15 minute walk plus niki said she could give you a ride any day to school if you want it." she left the room in a hurry down the stairs.

i slipped on a small crop top and some waist high jeans pulling them a small bit higher then there were suppose to go. i slipped my phone into my left pocket and began walking down the stairs.

"im ready mum," she nodded and walked with me out the house and to the car parked in the drive way.

"sorry it took so long niki George was still asleep." we slowly pulled out the drive way.

"thats fine people have to get ready i understand. i use to be like that to dont worry about it clara." we turned onto the main road. "so are you exited George."

"i guess i mean i dont really like school that much plus it takes time out of my life when i could be doing something else." i shuffled my hair back realising i didnt brush it.

"i will look forward to seeing you there George just dont get into any fights." wait niki goes to the same school im going to go to.

"you go there niki thats glad to here that georgie has a friend already." i glared at my mum.

"i told you not to call me that."

"i can call you what i want your my son i pushed you out and you still live under my roof so i will call you what i want." she sounded like a angry lion but shes always the same old clara how thinks shes the strongest mum in the world.

"well we are close by do you two want to get ready with all the paper work its just round the corner sadly i cant go in the with you." niki turned her head to face my mum. "cant wait to see George." she turned back and pulled up at the closes spot to the door.

" i will stay out here dont worry i will just be on my phone texting the group." i got out and my mum followed.

i mean the place looked amazing from the outside all fancy decor around the walls and plants everywhere,

"this is it George you soon to be school." we stepped inside to see a young woman at the desk typing on here computer.

"hi miss." she turned her head up from the computer.

"oh hi whats your names." she sounded like niki just more louder and annoying.

"im Clara Ella Davidson and this is George henry Davidson." she paused

"the uniforms are this way come with me." we entered a room full of skirts and trousers.

"pick what you want and go to the changing room." me and my mu started to walk around looking at the shirts and trousers.

"so hunny anything that you want i have picked out 3 pairs of trousers and 3 pairs of shirts. anything else." part of me wanted to try a skirt to show my inner gayness but i new my mum would say no.

"thats it." she looked at me and back down to the changing room.

"go get changed i will go and look at ties." she handed me the pile of clothes and i started to walk.

on the way i made sure i passed the skirts and placed one on the pile. i walked into the changing room and tried on a pair of trousers first the the shirt on top they were perfect sizing.

"you done let me see." i could here the faint voice of my mum outside.

i walked out, hearing he gasp before i went back in.

"hey mum can i get a skirt to." i heard a faint yes. 

i pulled my crop top back on and picked up the clothes. 

"come ne sweetie." she moved the curtain out the way as i walked through and over to the exit.

"how much will all of this be in total." she looked at me then back at the desk.

"its £46.38." my mum place the card in and payed.

"thank you so much for having us here see you on monday." she waved as we left to hope back into nikis car.

"Your back what did you get." She looked in the bag and laughed.

"The classical that's it." She waved goodbye and we started the way home.

we pulled in and got out one by one. niki followed to the house. i went inside and took the clothes up the stairs to put them all away and get this skirt of.

"George do you want to join us for dinner," she paused. "meet you down stairs me and niki will be waiting." so niki is staying for food well i guess its a gift.


word count 1012

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