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 The picture above is my oc, I tried my best. I'm used to drawing on paper  

   Yet again, Ace was trying to kill Whitebeard. Time, and time, and time again he failed. The crew was now starting to place bets of how he was going to try. He would be thrown out into the water, having to get him wasn't easy either. His devil fruit made it very difficult to catch him. They were also annoyed when he would try to kill him at night. He also barely eat much food, but he still had strength.

    So as expected for today, Ace was in the air behind Whitebeard. He was quieter out of all the other attempts. As he raised the axe, a bang fired through the air. The axe was knocked out of Ace's hand. Crew members moved away from the area that the axe was falling towards.

    Ace growled as he set his fist on fire, another bang rang into the air before Ace was kicked to the ground. A loud groan left Ace when he hit the ground. A chuckle from Whitebeard was heard.

    "Xaiver, as much I am happy to see you back. Please don't try to kill your new brother, he'll come around."

    Ace growled as he looked up, realizing that a boot was on his chest, pinning him to the floor. His eyes followed his way up from the boot till he met snowy like storm like eyes. From where he was, his hair looked black, but as he focused his eyes, his hair had a purple tint.

    He stared back down at the freckled, gun in one of his hands. He just stared, before huffing and walking off.

    The crew went back to what ever they were doing before. Some chuckled about hiw Ace was defeated, some seemed haply about the man that defeated Ace. He was sitting, looking at the door that the so called man 'Xaiver' walked through.

    "Hey you okay?"

    Ace whipped his head to the man with weird hair. The cook, his name was Thatch, or that's what Ace thought.

    "Sorry about Xaiver, he wasn't here when you arrived. He was doing an errand, he's a very chill and fun dude to be around. But, try not to play poker eith him and expect to win," Thatch smiled as he patted Ace on his shoulder. He walked off to the door and entred it. Ace sat there, anger and saddness took over his body.

    Later that day while the crew was eating dinner, Ace sat outside against the railing. The door to the kitchen opened and closed, the sound of boot heels became louder. He didn't bother to look up, he was expecting the person to just walk by. But the footsteps stopped in front of him. Ace still sat there, not looking up, thinking that if he ignore him, the man will go away. But he never did.

    "It's dinner isn't it, then go eat your food and leave me alone-" Ace paused when he lifted his head. He was met by a plate filled with different types of meat, and some sweets. His eyes stared at it, mouth started watering. The smell reached his nose just now. The male got on his knee, Ace could now see it was Xaiver.

    He was also holding a glass of water, the man said nothing. He just stared at Ace, it made him uncomfortable. Xaiver set the plate and glass down infront of him before standing up and leaving. Ace watched as he left.

    "He's mute," Marco walked next to Ace, "he was apologizing for his actions from earlier today," Marco kindly smiled.

    Ace looked at the plate, hearing that he was mute made him kinda sorry for him.

    "Ya know, he was once like you. Stubborn, refusing to join the crew, we met him on an island. Izo and I were in the forest before we were attacked by a weird matted creatuee attacked us. Xaiver saved us, he shot the creature. We have never been more thankful for a stranger to save us. When we told Whitebeard he made us kidnap him, and boy was that a challenge," Marco let out a little laugh.

    "Lots of them came back with bullet holes, but Whitebeard wouldn't stop. So, he sent Izo, Thatch, and me to do the job. I jave never seen a shootout more intense that that night between Xaiver and Izo. We just surrounded him and Izo did the attacking. When Izo ran out of bullets, it got very serious. But Thatch and I held him down to the ground. He thrashed around as some other crew members got his stuff. He tied his wrist and ankled together and carried him to the ship. We had to keep his wrist tied for a couple of days because of his attacks. We started realizing that he never said a single word. Only small grunt, and sighs.

    Izo questioned him, pushing him to speak by annoying him. It was then that Xaiver broke free of the rope and finally wrote down on a piece of paper. He wrote down curse words and insults to us. So, since he is mute, Whitbeard wanted his wrist to be untied so that way he could talk to us. He didn't trust a single person, his senses were to their max. One glance at him and he would turn to you. Izo was held the title of watching over him, if he were to ever get his hands on a gun. And that's how he started to trust people, it was slow, very slow. But, he agreed to becoming a son to Whitebeard, ever one of his vest have his jolly roger on it," Marco smiled.

    Marco sighed as he turned around and left.

    "Wait, why does everybody call him Pops?" Ace asked.

    "Because none of us has fathers, so he took us in. He treats everyone like sons, he cares for each and every one of us. So, you can try and fight, or you can wear the mark of Whitebeard on your back."


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