Chapter Nine: Back In Business

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    Just as promised, Xaiver tried his best to get back into routine. He woke up extra early the next morning, getting dressed, brushing his hair, fluffing it all up. Then quickly making his way down the hall and his climb upstairs to the kitchen. It was about, 5:09 in the morning, the only people that were usually up at this time were Marco and Thatch. Marco for work and for never having good sleep, and Thatch preparing food.

    Almost half way up the floors of the ship and Xaiver is already running out of breath. But he still contuined, he would have to get back in shape one way or another. Despite his trips down the halls and up the stairs he didn't stop moving till he got to the kitchen. Panting a bit as he stood there for a few seconds. Thatch was cooking away, whistling as he slightly moved his hips side to side. Taking a few deeps breaths through his nose before walking over to the counter.

    Opening up the tea container to get some tea leaves. Putting it in the tea maker, filling it with water, and turning on the free burner.

    "Ah, early morning Xaiver! I don't think I've ever seen you up this early. Unless it was that one time during the night when we got attacked," Thatch said happily, a large smile on his face. Xaiver nodded with a smile on his face as well. Getting a tea cup down as the water started to boil. Tapping his fingers on the counter, making a small beat. The special kettle started to whistle, turning the burner off and taking the kettle off.

    He kept on taking it on and off, taking breaks between said times. Time passed as this happened, once it was good, he ran the tea through a strainer. The steam hit his face, did it burn, yes, but he kept on going. Once it was filled enough, he set the kettle down carefully. Hushed sounds of heels on the carpet, hinting that Jade was coming.

    Xaiver and Jade were once good friends, but know Jade seemed to be kind of a bitch to him. The heels stopped when she turned the corner. Xaiver just contuined on, making sure that it was all done correctly. Stirring it a little bit before drying the spoon off.

    "Xai, you're up awfully early don't you think? You still need some rest, how about you go back to your room," Jade said, her heels loud on the floor. Xaiver didn't respond, just contuining on, Thatch was interested about the drama and the tension in the air.

    Turning to look at Jade, her lips forming a little frown. Scanning her to see if Marco was somewhere on her or near her. Crossing his hands and slightly flapping them, then making a question mark. One of this brows raised, scanning her face to see her reaction.

    "If you're asking where Marco is, he's with Ace. He injured himself so Marco wants to watch over him for the time being. I think he tried to mention something about you, maybe trying to get some more rest," Jade came closer, a fake smile on her face. The air became thicker with tension, both staring at each other. No words were said between them in this moment, they just stared at each other.

    "Gah! Dammit! Jade, I burned my hand!" Thatch whined loudly, making a pouty baby face at her. As much as Jade didn't want too, she had too. Giving Xaiver one last glare before making her way over to the freezer for some ice, "pssst, Xaiy, Izo is almost here,"

    Thatch whispered, turning his head to the side. Giving a silent thanks to the cook, Xaiver grabbed the tea and walked over to the corner. Thatch still distracting Jade, bouncing lightly on his feet, not wanting to spill the tea of course. Izo's footsteps could be heard as he got closer, a stupid smile on his face. As Izo turned the corner, Xaiver did a little jump in front of him. It scared Izo, gasping and placing his hand over his heart.

    Once realizing that it was just Xaiver, he calmed down, a little irritated, but that changed at the stupid smile on the males face. Tea cup in hand filled with tea. Izo gave a small smile as he lightly chuckled, his shoulders slightly moving as he did so. Xaiver stood there, cup in hand as he stood kindly waiting for his commander too say something. Or to take the cup that way he can start getting fully back into his daily routine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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