Small headcanons that popped out of nowhere but I find cool-ish

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Small comeback for this nook, I will make a chapter to explain why I'm gone most of the time, meanwhile have this headcanons that came by like breakfast in Christmas (charged and quick).

- I'm pretty sure that at least ONCE, Ran has slept on the same room with the rest of Quartet Night and I'm sure af that Ai was the only one that could sleep well (noisy rancam and cheerleader reiji)

- Danima has kissed a girl before but she didn't know what to do after, so the girl excused herself and left Dani there standing and still confused (Surprise, Dani is Bi. Also making a chapter of this later)

- Ranmaru and Danima have surely overslept and ended up late for something important just because they couldn't decide what clothes they wanted to wear the night before.

- Don't tell Danima to not do/touch/say or dare her, she's like those cats you tell at to not push things down and will do it while staring at you


"-and this is an old album of the Beetles, limited edition. That's the whole collection" Ran said, showing his collection of different albums to Danima who went by his dorm room who he shared with Ren and Masato
"Cool, so where do I sleep?"
"On the bed behind the bookshelf, idiot. It's the only one that's big enough"
"Okay, so you're coming late tonight?"
"Yes, so please make sure those two idiots don't mess around"
"And please for the love of goodness, don't touch the cd's, they're really- WHAT THE FUCK-" And Danima jad pulled out all and I mean ALL of the albums from the 1st shelve
"You've got 5 seconds-!"

- Danima is allergic to cinnamon. Yes, almost died once because Camus desserts have tons of cinnamon.

- Camus thought that if he wandered around with Ranmaru he would smell like cigarettes, though he never said why.

-Ranmaru has smoked before but ever since becoming more serious with his work slowly stopped.

- Don't tell at Camus when he's calm, EVER. Reiji has payed the consequences.

- Don't call Danima 'Barbie', she knows martial arts and has seen police files on how people hide bodies- don't say it and you'll be fine.

- Cecil and Danima's birthday is on the same day (October 31st) so once they found out they have lunch together in a Halloween themed restaurant.

- Danima has fallen asleep looking like a hot mess and Ranmaru definitely took a picture to blackmail her (add the uno reverse card so they're even)

-Ranmaru is very VERY touchy around Danima. His hand is always on top of her (shoulders, hand, hip, thigh, butt, forehead, you name it).

-Because he's very touchy once they are alone he becomes a literal cat, he falls asleep on her lap, plays with her hair, nuzzles her neck, hides his head in her shirt, bites her in general and is grumpy is she doesn't submit to his love show.

-Jiwa and Danima had blackmailed QN and have gotten away with it.

-Danima sometimes thinks that she's a child because she adores when Jiwa defends her from everyone.

-She has accidentally burned Jiwa's hais at least once by accident because the curling iron wasn't working.

-They have the same taste in men; tall, strong, rude and being enemies with the other just because they're like Ying and Yang.

That's all I can think about xD

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