Random Headcanons 1

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(I've seen a lot of headcanons about Ranmaru. Like, a lot xD and about different things, so I will add a trigger warning just in case: there will be mentions of sexual intercourse.)

Now, let's get to the main course, the headcanons for RanDani. It will be some random headcanons:

•Well, let's start with how these two began to realize their feelings.

○Let's start this with how Danima began to notice; this girl here, oh boy, she blushes and doesn't even realize it.

○They share some things in common: they like meat, some songs, cozy places.

○The more she hung around Quartet Night, the more she began to study them. The more she began to study them, the more she felt some kind of spark.

○Because of his instrument, Ranmaru got to play with Danima from time to time. And because they had to sit together for hours, every now and then they exchanged some words...after being in a pretty long uncomfortable silence.

○Naturally, she began to notice some small things about him

○Small habits like tapping his foot when he settles on the sofa, how he taps the pencil when he hears a melody, him biting his finger when he thought of lyrics.

○It also went on vice versa for him, he began to notice her habits as well

○How she tied her hair when something serious was happening, how she licked her lower lip when she was writing something down, how she would frown when she was focused on something.

○The more they hung around, the more they also spoke, even if they were scolding each other.

○When they got some works together, and they had to stand really close, f.e. in photoshoots, and he had to hold her close or look into her eyes, her cheeks would automatically turn pink.

○When she had to, for example, sit very close to him, or fell asleep beside him, his heart would pump the blood inside him faster than ever. And we know what that means

○Boners. Yes. It is no secret. It happens to all the boys when emotions like excitement or joy overflows a lot.

○And poor Ranmaru, though he's not someone who gets them that often, it did happened once or twice when she was around

○All humans react in some way when you see someone you like.

○Sadly, he had to hide his tower peepee from her, he thought she would stare and say something to bother him with it.

○But even though it was kind of embarrassing, if she ever asked, he would for sure  would've answered bluntly

○Like 'this is normal', 'I have raging hormones like every other guy', 'I was a bit too excited, lucky me'. Things among those lines

○Of course, blushing was only part of the raging hormones from our fellow blondie.

○For her, it was also uncomfortable since the weather down there was also hot.

○Yes, she got a bit too excited as well. Her body reacted naturally. Let's just say that, from time to time, the basement got wet.

○Now she wouldn't be as blunt or admit that she got a bit too happy. She does get embarrassed easier than our dear rocker.

○Of course, there are a lot of different reactions on when you like someone

○A clear example; Danima had cut her fingers while changing the strings of her guitar. The next hour Ranmaru had tossed a box of bandaids to her, with the excuse that those who play string instruments shall always have them

○Or whenever Quartet Night had a break, if he was sleeping on the couch, she would take some meat out of Camus lunch box and give it to him. Of course they never noticed. But the look he had because he got more meat was cute to her.

○Now when they began to be more obvious. The STARES.

○The definition of 'take a look discreetly' and right away swipe their heads to see, that's them

○If ine of them had a new outfit, the stare they gave to the other was strong.

○When they were rehearsing for shows and they had to practice de day before, the stares, oh God. Specially if one was sweaty and had to either use a towel or change to a new shirt. Or in this special case, Danima was practicing with a fellow friend singer, and since they had sport bras, both took off their shirts. Oh dear, Ranmaru thanked whoever made him wake up that morning.

○Not everything is with a sexual intent as well. Small acts of kindness took part the majority of time

○She was very, very patient whenever he began to scold her. But the way she just said 'now that your done nagging, let's get back to work', he knew she wasn't playing

○Or one of the first times she had to attend one of their live shows while sick. He saw she was tired but she still got up to see them

○Or when Danima was practicing for hours to no end and she found a bento box beside her phone when she went to the bathroom. Of course, he scolded her by sticky notes

○Or when she had to check on any song and he would bluntly and lazily offer his help, stating he was just bored or didn't have anything to do (lie owo) so she would practice and he would listen to her.

○With all of the above, the beginning of their relationship was taking shape. And still manages. ❤

Next up: slight +18 Oneshot (for tomorrow. I have to go to sleep.)

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