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IT TOOK ME ABOUT TWENTY minutes to get ready before I teleport to where Willie had told me to meet Luke; The Orpheum Theater. I now stand in the grand archway that leads into the legendary theater itself.

I lean against a pillar when I see him, sitting on the opposite side of the room, on stage, fiddling with his left sleeve. "Hey," I say softly, letting him know of my presence.

His head snaps up to look at me before replying in the same tone. "Hey."

"You wanted to see me?" I ask my voice showing the little hope I have for this conversation not to go bad as I push myself off the pillar and I shift my weight between my legs and cross my arms.

"Yeah, I'll go to you," he stands before teleporting a few feet in front of me. He reaches a hand out to pull my arm down slightly, telling me he wants to sit and talk. We do so, sitting with our legs crossed as we sat facing each other but enough for us both to see the stage from our spot.

After a moment of admiring the stage, I decided to break the comfortable silence. "So, what's up? Willie was telling me about how you guys are thinking of a plan to crossover?"

"Yeah we're still figuring out that part, but that's not the only reason I wanted to see you. I... I'm really sorry for how I left things yesterday. We had a moment and then you were honest with me and I ghosted you... literally," He jokes, making a smile creep its way to my lips as I roll my eyes at the bad pun. "It wasn't cool and I'm sorry," he adds seriously.

"You don't need to apologize. If I were in your situation- hell, I am in your situation and I didn't take it too well either," I share humorlessly.

There's a moment before he asks, "So you've been working there against your will this whole time?" I huff out a breath as I look down before nodding in reply. He takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers which makes me look up at him. "How long have you been there?" He asks softly.

"Forty years or so," I reply in the same tone. I spent so much time in that club I lost track of exactly how many years I've been there but from what I remember, it was around four decades ago.

"Forty years?!" He repeats, shocked.

"Yeah, I died in the 80s'," I inform him, looking down as I fidget with the rings on my left hand. He takes a moment to process as he looks back at the stage. I take his silence as an opportunity to continue, looking out to the stage as well. "I was here on that night." Luke looks at me as I let out a deep breath. "I had just started rehearsing for a show here when I went to make a phone call at the phone booth that was across the street." I could feel myself starting to get emotional as I thought about the last conversation I ever had with Lila.

We both groan as another one of those jolts of pain happens.

I took another deep breath before continuing, doing my best to suppress the pain. "I was walking back to the Orpheum when I got hit by a car... next thing I know, I'm in my apartment trying to comfort my girlfriend who was sobbing on the floor, as I was unable to do anything... I think that was the most helpless I've felt in my entire existence."

I stare off at a spot on the floor as I feel a tear slide down my cheekbone. I've never talked to anyone about it. Not even Willie. I could never bring myself to it until now.

I felt Luke's thumb rub across the back of my hand, making me turn to look at him with watery eyes. He lets go of my hand and pulls me into a much-needed hug. I scoot closer as he wraps his arms around me in a comforting embrace. I bury my face into the crook of his neck as more tears find their way to my cheeks. Luke kisses the crown of my head, knowing how hard it must have been for me to share what I had been keeping to myself for so long.

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