Day 1: night

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(Art not mine!)

December 6th,
3rd person:

Makoto naegi could not sleep on this fall night, all alone in his bed. He shivered in the cold, regretting his decision to wear a t-shirt and knee length pants. He rolled over, still shivering to check the time,
2:15 am.
"Great," he thought. "I've been laying here for 5 hours and I still can't sleep."
He laid there for a few minutes before  getting up with a blanket around himself and walked out of his bedroom.
Cold and tired, he made his way to his girlfriends room, once he made it there, he knocked on the door and waited for a response.
Soon enough, the door opened revealing a extremely tired looking kyoko kirigiri, her eyes barely open, she slightly glared at her boyfriend.
The two stood in silence for a bit until one of them broke the silence.
"Couldn't sleep?" Kyoko asked. Makoto shook his head to confirm his girlfriends assumptions.
Kyoko opened the door a little wider to make room for her boyfriend to enter her bedroom. Makoto went into her room and sat on the edge of her bed waiting for her to come over to him. She walked over to her boyfriend and hugged him till they fell over on the bed, the two slowly fell asleep cuddling with one another peacefully.

(Day one complete)
(I hope you enjoyed this!)

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