Day 2: little things

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Sometimes the littlest things, are the greatest things in life.
Like a box of chocolates, a hug, a kiss.
Someone to care for and does the same back.
They trust you, and you trust them back.
It's like a broken heart, the littlest things can eventually mend that heart back to one strong whole.
Like a puzzle missing the two last pieces.
When your down, something small and nice can make that day great.
This is how, people consider their relationship together.
That is what Makoto naegi and Kyoko kirigiri, call hope, the smallest things can turn anyone into hope from despair.
So keep in mind,
The smallest things,
Can make,
A big difference,
Can bring hope,
Can bring happiness,
As long as your with the one you love.

(Day 2 complete)
(I literally had no idea what to write.)

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