Day 7: vacation

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(A/N: I don't want naegiri week to end!!!!! 😭.)
December 12th,
3rd person:

In honor of their 1 year anniversary, Makoto suggested the two of them go somewhere, Makoto suggested before the sunset they go to the beach and walk along the shoreline and find to good place to rest and watch the sunset then decide from there. Kyoko wasn't really the romantic one out of the two of them so she trusted her husband.

So on the day of their anniversary, the two got up and started their day like a normal day, until about mid afternoon, when the got their things and started to drive to the beach. They didn't really live that close so it took them about an hour and a half to two hours to get there.

Once they got their, they started their walk, they chatted, they kissed, they enjoyed the scenery around them. They soon found a nice, quiet, and lovely spot for the two of them to walk the sun go down.

(Idk why but I'm obsessed with making sunset art)

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(Idk why but I'm obsessed with making sunset art)

At the end of the day, Makoto had ended up falling asleep while watching the sunset, so Kyoko being the good wife she is, picked up Makoto bridal style, and walked back to their car and drove back home.

The two had had a great, no scratch that, an amazing day together. ❤

Day 7, complete.

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