Day 3: Strom

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(Art drawn by yours truly)
December 8th,
3rd person:

Makoto's favorite time of the year was just around the corner and there was no better way to spend it then with the one be loved.

Kyoko never really celebrated the holidays because her grandfather said that it was just a distraction then he would tell her to work on her detective work and skills. So because of that, she didn't really know what to do around the holiday season.

Makoto was a little shocked that his girlfriend had never really celebrated the holidays, but he was also excited to show and share what he knew and did growing up.

One night, the two of them were cuddled up on the couch, Makoto resting his head on top on his girlfriends with a mug of hot chocolate in hand, while kirigiri rested her head underneath Makoto's head while a Christmas movie played in the background. The weather said that there would be a storm soon, and this time, the weather forecasts prediction, was right. (Unlike any of Hiros predictions.)

There was snow and ice falling from the sky, the snow storm was getting worse and worse by the minute. Soon enough, the power went out. The lights, off, the TV, off, thr heater, off. Everything, turned off. But the young couple didn't mind, it gave them an excuse to snuggle closer, well, it gave Makoto a chance to snuggle closer, that is.

(Day 3 complete)
(My friend, OliveCreature, suggested this idea for this theme and I thought it was a good idea, so all credits to them for this, :3)

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