»A competition«

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Morrigan's POV:

"Oi!" greeted Hawthorne.
"Hi!" said Jack, when he jumped over the rail to the looby.
"Hay! That's my maneuver!" I objected and crossed arms on my chest. Jack raised his eyebrow.
"Have a nice day too. Between words my and our is a difference, you know."
"Oh I know it very well. Question is, if you know the meaning of word copyright." I threw him in the face. Cadence stood between us.
"Oh, c'mon! Can't believe, that only few days ago, you got along so well. Mog, he's not worth it!" she tried to make us to leave the quarrel. Jack snored.
"Mog? Your friends are going softer!"
"Oh do you know what?!"
He rolled his eyes.
Instead of answer I turned on one heel and said:
"Come on Cadence. What a mind, such a debate!"
"In that case, you have woefully little in your head!" told John to my back.
"At least I have more than you."
"Competition in the pool." he declared, arms crossed on his chest.
"What kind of?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No. Pegs."
Jack agreed:
"Okay, as you want. I'll win anyway. Who wants to be with me? I want one person from Arcane Arts except me," he declared and our group quickly slipt to the two teams. With me were Cadence, Mahir, Thaddea, Clarie and Arch. With Jack were Hawthorne, surprisingly Anah, Lam, Tommy and Francis.
"About ten minutes at the courtyard. Hope, you'll find the way..." I noted and with my group we went to the elevator to bring some neoprens.


"All of you have four pegs to guard." interpreted Frank, who stood with Dame Chanda on the shore of the pool.
"Your task is to steal as many sticks as it's possible, but not lose yours. The play ends after half an hour, then you have a break and another round. Every one of you will get one player from other team, to pickpocket. You are playing in the water and in the island." continued Chanda, handing out rubber belts with plastic pegs. Jack's group had green and my group had red colour.
"If someone steps to the shore, he, or she, can't go to the water again, to the end of the round. Now you have five minutes to advice." explained Frank. Me with my group sat to the sand. Jack's team was three or four meters behind.
"Okay, listen. Who from us is better in the diving?" I asked quietly and raised my hand. Thaddea, Arch and Clarie did the same. I nodded.
"Alright, who can swim fast?" again me, then Cadence and Mahir.
"Fine, and what about them?"
Mahir said:
"Francis has definitely diving, Anah too and Hawthorne can swim quickly. Lam... On average."
"Tommy is diving..." told me Clarie.
"And Jack knows everything." we muttered together. I sighed.
"So... Cadence will pickpocket Hawthorne, Clarie... can you do Tom?"
When Clair nodded, I contunied:
"Thaddea, try Francis and Mahir try Anah. Then Arch and Lam. Can you do it?" I asked Arch. He nodded.
"Fine, but everyone be goshly carefull. Okay?"
When everyone agreed, we rose up.
I stood on front of Jack.
"Thaddea to Francis." I said. Jack nodded and the fighter with gastronomist stepped to the opposite side as each other was.
"Archan to Anah." said Jack. I turned to look at Arch. He shrugged and stood to his place.
"Hawthorne versus Cadence." I said. Another couple stood up.
"Lam to Mahir." said Jack. I turned to Mahir, but he already stood up and nodded.
"And me to you." I noted.
"Anyone smarter isn't free..." shrugged Jack.
"Fine, do you need a talk, or we can start?" asked Chanda.
"Wait a second." I said and came to the every player from my team. To every one I said just one word.
"Well. Three..." started Frank. We walked to the water.
"The revenge is going to be a bliss." said Jack.
"Especially mine." I said.
"Start!" yelled Chanda and Frank and everyone jumped into the water.
I dived the deepest, as I could, to hide behind the corals at the bottom. I was watching the silhouettes above me. Somewhere far away swam Mahir, and Lam was right behind him. To the island were swimming Francis and Thaddea and somewhere to the middle of the lagoon I saw Arch with Anah. Then I realized I need some air, so I swam back up. When I sank again, I saw Jack. He noticed me and made his way to me.
'Of course!'
I dived deep down, to the dark, and then sharply up, for the oxygen. I sank a half meter under the water. Jack was almost next to me. I stood still. When he came to me, I raised my eyebrow and dissapeared in the dark again. I swam under him and from his belt I ripped out one peg. He smirked, turning to me and shook his head. I quickly started to swim to the little sand island in the middle of a pool. When I stepped to the sand, Jack was still at the bottom. I looked around.
Sand. I didn't have time to bury or something.
Camp-bed. Not very effective.
Sunscreen. No idea.
Palm... wait... PALM! I ran to it and climbed up. Jack ran out from the water. I put his peg to my belt and stood up.
He heard the leaves and looked up.
"Now, or never." I whispered, bounced, and from the palm I jumped right back to the lagoon. Water around me noised. After a few seconds I felt a bump next to me. Jack jumped too. Whitout any hesitation I found his hand, crossed my fingers with his and pulled him much, much closer...

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