»Something's going on«

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Morrigan's POV:

     I was on the third floor, on the way to Jupiter's office. I heard the steps after me and the eyepatched ( MadieGirl03 says, it's a word ) Witness appeared on my right side.
     "Hey, what's going on?" asked Jack. I shrugged.
     "I don't know. Think we have to hurry up. Kedgeree looked like he saw a ghost."
     Jack nodded. "In your room was Kedgeree? I my one came Martha. She looked like fish out from water."
     We reached the office and we stood outdoors to catch the breath. Jack leaned against the door with one hand. It suddenly opened and Jackie boy almost fell inside. There was Fen. She looked little worried and sad, but still, she was in the typical bad and bored mood. It was something odd to look at.
     She looked down at us and then she disappeared in the staircase. I give to Jack a confused look as we come in.
     Jupiter was sitting behind his table.   Jack quietly closed the door and my patron nodded at two chairs, on the other side of the desk. We sat and he give us two cups of black tea. Then he started: "Morrigan, Jack. They called me to the mission."
     Jack and I changed a puzzled look.
"But... You've got used to go to missions all the time." told him Jack. Jupiter placed in front of us a list.

       Dear Captain Jupiter Amantius North,
     In my behalf and in the behalf of the League of Explorers, Nevermoor Council and State Parliament I ask you to come on the next Saturday, this year and this Age to the Mount Florien gate, on 7:30 a.m., that day. Expect to spend at least seven months on travel.

     With regards,
     Gideon Steed, the Prime minister,
Nevermoor, Free State

     "Next Saturday, this year and this Age... Wait!" I read from the paper and stopped. Me and Jack both jumped in alarm:
     "So next week!"
     Then we started yelling all of the problems aloud.
     "You can't just..."
     "Uncle Jove what with us?!"
     "And with hotel!"
     "And school!"
     "And staff!"
     "What about Elders?!"
     "And Squall!"
     "You can't just leave us like that!" we screamed together. Jupiter smiled to his cup.
     "What?" we asked and glanced at each other. "Don't copy me!"
     Jupiter smirked and started to mess with his papers. After a few moments he found an evenlope.


     "Uncle Jove, what does your testament have to do with this?" asked Jack and Jupiter handed him a paper. Jack rose from his chair and began to pace around the room, reading: "My dear staff, members of my unit, my enemies, friends, Mog, and Jack. Firstly I want to point at the fact, that I'm sure, you're all glad, this old ginger madman finally kicked the bucket..."
     I bit my lip, trying to stop the bubble of histerical laughter in my throat. Jack gave Jupiter a look full of disapproval. Then he started reading again: "...I leave the titles obtained in the Wundrous Society to..." he stopped to give me a little bit a jealous look.
     "...to Miss Morrigan Odelle Crow ...erm... Titles obtained in the League of Explorers, Celestial Watchers, titles from Gobleian Library, NTA, Association of Nevermoorian hoteliers and other my titles I leave to... John Arjuna Korrapati?!" Jack looked shocked. We changed gazes.
     -What in the Seven Pockets...?-
     "Well... Uh... I request the lands to be distributed among the living members of my unit, exept the land, where hotel Deucalion stands. Hotel and all the money I leave to..." he dropped the paper and his lips formed a sentence:

     "We have a hotel."

     That silent was more deafening than the cry.

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