The one with the owl

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Your wings are wet, your feathers, soaked...what do you do now? You climb the highest tree and make some tea. A brass cup and without hot water do you make this tea? You simply build a fire...but in the rain? Find somewhere dry! You huddle down where the rain had not touched the hard surface of the earth it was dry, so you gathered some sticks and started a fire. It burned and crackled emitting heat, hot embers, and smoke. Once the fire was small and you collected water in the small kettle you put it over the soft flame to boil.
The kettle Begins to whistle startling a few forest animals you take it off the fire and pour it into the cup with the tea leaves. Now you have a worn fire a hot empty tea kettle and a cup of tea. Look on the bright side your feathers are dry. You fly to the top branch of the tallest tree and look out at the great beyond. In a large pine forest, the colors of the new leaf set in everything is green, even prior to the previous downpour. Squirrels and small animals were scurrying about and just then an owl sits on the branch next to you...
"Who...who? Who?"
"Who are you?"
"I am... I don't know who I am I suppose...wait did you just talk to me?"
"You are a bird are you not? You have wings... beautiful ones at that...the brown and black spots on the pure white are ravishing..."
"I don't know who or what I am. I am simply a being, existing if you will, trying to enjoy a cup of tea"
I suppose I had imagined that the owl had spoken to me
It flew away and left me with a snowy white feather, white as the snow in winter.

A tea party with the birdsWhere stories live. Discover now