The one With the bird of freedom

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As you take to the sky the change of light blinds you. Your wings stretch their entire wing span, and with one big swish you were thousands of feet off of the ground now the wind flowing through each one of your feathers, your narrow facial features made it easy to block wind from your eyes your vision zoomed in on something dark flying towards you at an unknown speed. Whatever it was it was fast. Finally, it flew past you but then stopped and reared, turning back around and flying toward you slowing to a glide as it came up to you. "Well hello there! What brings you to the vast open blue?"
"I'm trying to find someone or something maybe or just free myself from reason or just being stuck under trees has me confused."
"That's understandable sometimes you feel trapped and need to be free"
"Yeah but I don't just feel trapped, I feel-lost-. I've never seen anyone or anything of my species. I have no idea who or what I am"
"Well, you certainly don't look like any bird I've ever seen, but that doesn't mean that you can't be a free bird! Stretch your wings out and just glide, it shows others that you are confident and you own these guys! Don't take it too far and get too cocky I own these parts but try finding your own"
With that, the eagle of freedom flew off and you continue flying until you see a vast opening Jn the forest beneath you...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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