The one with the Starling

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The sound of the crunching of sticks and the falling of leaves and leftover drops of rain dripping from the trees fills the air as you sit and stare out into the forest. A Rabbit hops nearby.
"Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!"
Like an alarm clock, no one wanted nor needed the bird landed.
"Who are you?"
"I could be anyone but right now I am just me, trying to enjoy a cup of tea if you to join me?"
"I am afraid I must decline you see I have three hungry hatchlings awaiting my return."
" That's quite alright, for I expected more of what you could offer... possibly you could forgive me and join me some other time?"
I don't think so perhaps we will meet again, goodbye strange, tall the way what kind of bird are you?

What kind of bird am I? I closely examine my wings perhaps a hawk? No..maybe an Owl? no...what kind of bird am I? Maybe I am unique, A Human with bird wings... perhaps they aren't bird wings at all.

A tea party with the birdsWhere stories live. Discover now