The Extinct and thoughts

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A stick crunched under your feet
"No birds? How strange"
You watch animals and insects scamper about. As you are walking you look up at the sun peering at you thought the canopy, tiny fruit birds fly around and small bugs zip past your eyes in slow motion just then everything stands still like a movie being paused. You look around and a bird everyone thought to be extinct walks cautiously twords you "What a strange bird you are. Do you fly or are you flightless? Oh pardon my bad manners I am a Moa bird my kind lived thousands of years ago,But I am sure I've never seen your kind anywhere are you new to this earth?"
"I guess you can say I didn't exist and one day I just simply did. I started walking, talking and learning just as any other creature. No I am not flightless your feathers ruffle I am not sure I am even a bird"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I have wings like a bird but I can't seem to figure out what kind of bir-"
"Let me stop you there did you ever stop and think that you are perhaps part of a different species maybe the last of your kind? Or maybe you just need to keep searching the world for one exactly like you, he/she doesn't have to look like you and have the same color wings or same design or be as gorgeous as you are young one but consider it will you?"
"I never thought about it like that, you are wise to know such things Mr.Moa."
just then time continued on birds flew,bugs zipped and animals scampered avoiding large drops of water remaining from the tree tops the temperature was cold and humid.You stretch your Giant wings and take to the sky flying far above the canopy....
Will I find someone the same as me?

A tea party with the birdsWhere stories live. Discover now