Chapter: 4

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Walking side by side, a weird euphoric feeling in our hearts, a feeling which can't be understood nor described well with words.

We headed to a café nearby after leaving the place where we met and let the waves know we aren't alone anymore,

There is someone with whom our heart beats and for whom we live.

As I had to leave for the library too, we grabbed the two hot cups of latte in our hands and headed outside walking by nature in comfortable silence,

Start breaking the ice with our talks and blushed faces.

The time which goes by in a blink of an eye seems to slow down and let the lovebirds spend even a single second like a minute,

It's like the world is taking time to revolve and admiring the loving aura spread by two soulmates.

But eventually, there comes a time when the souls have to separate,

the library isn't much away from the sea, and we headed there by walking but standing outside the library and turning back to look at the face in front of me,

Those dragon eyes expressed the love they held for me in them.

Looking into each other's eyes without saying anything to each other, saying so much with just our eyes, answering the questions that we held, and falling in love, even more than we realize.

I looked down, and he did what needed to be done,

I closed my eyes, feeling his lips against my forehead, and he parted to look into my eyes and gave me a beautiful smile to make my day.

"Text me when you leave okay, Go inside".

He said as he held my shoulders from both sides and I returned the smile and nodded.

I headed inside and turned back to look at him leaving, he had to go back to the base again.

Sighing, I turned around and headed to work, smiling to myself as I thought about him and the flashbacks of whatever happened today came to my mind.

As time passed by, and I stepped outside the library while walking to my house, I opened my phone and looked at the number in front of my eyes which was saved as Joon.

I smiled and texted him that I'm heading to my house, I looked in front and inhaled a deep breath, and exhaled it slowly as I kept walking until I reached my destination.

I opened the door and headed inside the house, the exhaustion of the whole day fell when I plopped myself down on the sofa and sighed deeply, and got myself up to go and take a warm bath.

Sat down as the water surrounded me, calming me down and taking my exhaustion away, after cleaning and relaxing my whole body,

I headed to the kitchen to eat something.

I grabbed some gimbap from my food pantry and had some naengmyeon(cold noodles) to refresh myself and fueled myself up.

After washing the dishes and cleaning everything up, I sat on the sofa and grabbed the cell phone, and stared at his number,

After a while, his name displayed as he called me and my heart skipped a beat.

As picking his call and putting the phone close to my ear, our hearts beating at the same rate,

Even without speaking our heartbeat and breath spoke of the feelings that couldn't come out in words, we finally spoke,

Again the world seemed to slow down as we forgot about the world and everything around us as a beautiful silence fell around us and our talks went by.

Hearing each other's voices made us so calm,

I started to get sleepy,

I lay on the bed as he had some work to do.

Life takes unexpected turns as you don't even realize anything when your whole life changes in a second.

That's what happened to us...

But I hope it keeps going like this.

I didn't believe in soulmates, nor did he...

But these feelings made us realize what it's like to have a...


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