never alone

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At Jake's school

It was lunch time and he didn't feel like sitting with the his jomies or Hailey ever since the fight

Things are clam now but he still didn't  feel like talking to them. 'maybe I'll just eat at roof alone' Jake though. He went to the roof with his food and only a few people were there

Jake sat on beach and ate his food but he felt alone. He thought some alone time would cheer him up but-

Taylor pov

Autumn wanted to look around and find a club or something and Danial and Mary flirting with each other but mainly Danial was flirting

I'm alone today great

I sat in an outside the school courtyard hoping Kyle wouldn't find me

I started eating and got a notification on my phone

1 new message

Lunch started for anyone yet?

Yep it did for me

And I'm alone 😔

Like the good old days

Wait Jakey why are you online?

No one's pov

Jake explained in text that he felt 'unsettled' with club and jomies so he is eating alone then Jess said why she is eating alone

All of them decided call each other. They talked about various things and then suddenly Taylor brought up something "hey Jakey why did you say you felt unsettled with your 'friends'?"   Jake went silent

"hold up does it have anything to do with you sitting in the corner for 5 HOURS?!" Jess exclaimed the last part

"kinda... " Jake said silently

"Jake if you have trouble with anything you can tell us" Jess said in a comforting way

"I don't know... It's kinda my fault"

"how is being unsettled with your friends your fault?" Taylor questioned ."it's nothing you guys have to worry about I can handle it" Jake said trying to sound confident

"well Jakey listen I-"


"sorry train wreck " Jess and Jake heard someone say it and run off. "did someone spill something?" Jessica asked

"someone spilled water all over me" Taylor said in a annoyed way. "I'm gonna go change bye guy" Taylor hang up. "Wait Jake don't you have band practice?"

Jake looked at the time and realized he was late again "oh carp! I have to go talk to you-" he was cut off by him accidentally slam into a door Jess giggled. "I meant to do that!" Jake said jokingly "anyways see you at home bye! " Jake hang up

'at least he wasn't lying' Jess though to herself

Jess looked at the time and realized she had to go to the art club and was late

This is my first time writing so its not the best but I tried sorry if it's cheesy or anything

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