stake rink

188 1 4

Ships cuz we need some:
Jake x Sean
Taylor x Autumn (not really)


"JAKEY! WHERE ARE YOU? WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Jessica yelled out "and he say I'm always late" Taylor said in a annoyed way "come on Taylor looking good takes time" Autumn said as she got in the car

"I'M HERE!" Jake said stumbling out of the door almost falling. "took you long enough" Taylor said sarcastically as he got in the car. Jess and Jake got in the as well

"we're here" Jessica's mom said as everyone was about get out of the car she locked all the doors "and remember don't get into trouble" she said sarcastically as she stared at Taylor. "don't worry Mrs Jess's mom I'll make sure nothing crazy will happen" Autumn replied. She let all of out of the car as she locked the car "also my last name isn't Jess's mom" Jessica's said as the four teens enter the skate rink

"holy! This place is huge and mostly empty" Jessica was really excited "let's go get some ice stakes!" Autumn ran to get ice skates Taylor followed her. Jake and Jess looked around the park. The park had a small cafe and coffee stand near it

"oh hello Jess" they heard a familiar voice behind them. Jake and Jess turned around and saw haru "oh umm hey haru" she waved at her boyfriend the couple starting Jake decided to look for autumn and Taylor

He is really good friends with Autumn then haru

Jake found Taylor and autumn and they brought some stakes for everyone "well let try this" Autumn said getting her ice stakes on "have you every tried ice staking?" haru asked trying to start a conversation

"my family went to a stake rink a lot when I was little so I got a lot of experience" Autumn said pridefully "our parents forced us into classes when we were together" Jessica popped in

"wait you guys went to classes ?" haru asked "yeah but I didn't learn anything I kept falling on my face". "I could teach you Taylor!" Autumn said excitedly pulling Taylor into rink. "WAIT NO AUTUMN I HAVEN'T SKATED FOR YEARS I CAN'T-" he screamed in vein

"umm.. Haru do you know I've skated?" Jess asked looking her boyfriend "yeah you wrote that when you drew me" "still think it's weird you're dating your drawing but okay" Jake whispered to himself

After a while all of starting staking Jake had no problem staking and he showed off to Taylor who kept falling despite the fact Autumn was trying to keep him up. Jess and Haru was skating together

"I DID IT!" Taylor finally skated without holding onto something before falling onto Autumn. "at least you did for a couple seconds". both of them looked over to see what the other are doing Jake was showing some moves his learned to Haru and Jess they were pretty impressed. "where in the world did he learn that?!" Taylor seriously wondered that "I thought you guys went to the same class?". "yeah but that was when we were 9"

Taylor sighed and got up "I'm gonna take a break" he went to the small coffee/snack stand near the rink and autumn decided to follow him. The couple sat down and started talking. "hey can I one coffee?" autumn asked a bit excited cuz she never had street food before

(A/N you've been missing out Autumn street food is the best 🤤)

The person working at the stand didn't seem to hear her 'weird' autumn thought he was staring at the ice rink or more so someone in rink. Autumn clapped her hands to his attention "h-huh oh! Sorry about that" the boy was a bit embarrassed. Taylor stared at him at him for a couple seconds and realized "you're Sean the music club's DJ from Jake's school, right?".

Sean was bit surprised that he knew who he was "yeah that's me" there was a awkward silence . after some a while Sean gave Autumn some hot coffee she gave him the money for the coffee. She drunk some and accidentally spat it all Taylor's sweater

"was this revenge for what happened at your house?" Taylor said jokingly "holy fu*k I didn't mean to" Autumn replied trying to fan her tongue "maybe I should have told the coffee was hot" Sean explained. Taylor went to his aunts car to get a spare jacket

Sean decided to close the stand early (idk reasons?) he looked back at rink and saw Jake happily talking to the Jess and slightly blushed. Autumn looked at them and put two and two together. "Sean right? Want to join us?" she offered. He was surprised by the offer but he figured it would be better then going home. "I would love to but I'm not good at ice skating" Sean starched his head

"oh please Nobody is! expect me and Jake somehow..." Sean chuckled at Autumn's comment "now come on!" she lent him a pair of ice skates

"what took you guys- oh hi Sean" Jake greeted his friend. "hi- what happened you guys? You all look tried" Sean asked realizing how tried all three looked. "well we all raced around rink" Jake scratched his head. "it was Jake's idea" Jess replied. "actually it both of them I just made sure they didn't break a leg" Haru whispered to Autumn and Sean

"I'm back!" Taylor wore his ice skates and came into the ring. "Woah! I'm not falling" right as he said that he almost fell but Autumn caught him "and I'm gonna teach him how to not fall" they staked away. Jess and Haru decided to go to the car

The two boys were alone. "so how did you-" before Jake could finish he slipped cuz he was very tired. Sean caught him "Jake you OK?" he asked concerned. Jake realizing he was in his crush arms his face became red "o-oh! I'm fine just tried". Sean realized they were holding each other. Also they forgot they were on ice and slipped falling on top of each other

"sorry Jake! Are you-" Sean realized he was on top of Jake. Sean quickly got off before Jake could even react.

"sorry about that!" Sean apologized red as hell 'this is a complete disaster' he thought to himself. "umm it's fine Sean!" Jake replied he also looked very red

Both of got up on their feet and Taylor and autumn and Taylor came out of nowhere "Yo guys want to around the ring with us?" Autumn offered. The two agreed and went. Sean and Jake were holding hands to make sure they don't fall. Autumn and Taylor were also holding hands. They talked about many things when they were skating around

All of them got out of the ring after they finished "Wow! That was fun thanks for inviting me" Sean thanked all of them "no problem I just didn't want Jake to fell like a single pringle" Autumn joked "autumn!" Jake yelled a bit embarrassed. Taylor and Sean chuckled

Then suddenly

"woah guys it's snowing!" Jake cheered. "I guess this day wasn't that bad" Taylor whispered to himself. Jake and Autumn start jumping for excitement. Taylor and Sean though it was adorable


"guys mom says it's time to go home" Jessica yelled. Taylor and Autumn decided to go because it was freezing. Jake was about to leave "oh Sean! My family is having a small Christmas party" he said "and?" Sean was a bit confused ."it family only but mom said I could invite one friend so... Do you want to come?" Jake blushed a bit when he asked. "I-i would love to come!" Sean exclaimed and grabbed Jake hands. He chuckled "alright I'll text you the address and time" he waved goodbye and walked away.

"what took you so long?" Jess ask when Jake got in the car "oh nothing I was just talking to Sean" he answered. "umm Autumn why are you smiling?" Taylor asked hoping she isn't up to anything "oh nothing" she replied calmly


Oh it finally done 😭
Sorry if it didn't make any sense to you I just wanted to write some Jean
I probably won't make the Christmas party part cause I don't have a plan for that one

Anygays happy holidays ✨

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