new school pt.1

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"Taylor wake up!" His mom yelled

"Five more minutes..." The boy murmured throwing himself under the sheets

"GET DOWN BEFORE I COME UP THERE!" his mom yelled out. she didn't want him to be late for his first day of his new school

"My alarm didn't even ring" Taylor checked his phone "mom it's 6:30 AM!" He yelled out

"Did you forget about the school orientation!" And then he remembered 'IT STARTS AT SEVEN'


"Alright do you have everything sweetie?"

"Mom I'm not kid anymore" Jess said "I know but your school got combined-" her mom began

"I'll be fine just some new students and my friends will be there" Jess reassures her parents

"And look at the bright side no more uniform" she waved her parents bye as she heads off

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off?" Her dad asked "don't worry dad it a 10 minutes walk and I have my phone"

Both her parents sighed and let her go


At the school

Jess looked around at her new school "alright new school, new people, new teacher don't get nervous" she took a deep breath and tries to clam herself

"And your old cousins" Jess jumped a bit and looked behind her

"Jakey its just you" she sighs

"who else would it be?"

"I don't know, Taylor?"

"Wait he also here?" Jake asked a bit surprised

"Pretty sure his school is on the list" Jess replied double checking on her phone "did you not check?"

"Yeah-" before he finish he was interrupted

"Hey! All students must be in the auditorium the reporting time is 6:50!" A teacher yelled out

"Oh! S-sorry we'll go now" Jess nervously said and quickly walked away with Jake following her

"Do you even know where it is?" Jake asked jokely

"Nope but you do so lead the way Jake"


At the school orientation

"Hey what's your name and year?" A teacher called out

"Jake Sterling second year"

"Jessica S-sterling also second"

"ok...go sit somewhere" the teacher said as they wrote something in their notepad

"Well that's alot of people" Jess murmured to herself

"Yeah anyways see you after the orientation" Jake said as he goes to sit somewhere

'great now I'm alone' she looked around for somewhere to sit

She could find her friends anywhere 'don't get nevous you find them afterwards' she thought to herself

She took out her phone and texted them

Where are you guys? I'm in the auditorium I can't find you

Sorry Jess I tried to save you a seat but the row full

Do you where Peter and Haru are?

They're behind me and their row is also full

Do you want me to find you?

I can help you find two empty seats

Nah its fine I'll find on my own

She put her phone away and internally screamed


"You're late! what's your name and year?"

"Uh.. Taylor Sterling... third year"

"Since its your first day here I'll let you off now go sit"

"Thank you..." Taylor walked away and looked for Autumn

He realized he no time so he had to sit somewhere

"You can sit here" he turned around and saw a boy

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes who else who I be talking to?" The black haired boy smiled

"thanks uhhh.."


"Thanks Sean" Taylor gave him a friendly smile and sat down

"You know I would be careful next to him he's a trainwreck" both looked behind them and saw

"Kyle not now" Taylor said in a annoyed tone


Jessica walked around hoping to find a seat

And she found one

"Hey does anyone sit here?" Jess asked the brunette next to the seat

"No, you can sit there if you want"

She sat down and let out a sigh of relief

"Are you new here?" The brunette asked

"Y-yeah I am"

"Alright students please quiet down" all the talking stopped and the attention was on the stage

"I'm the principal of this school and I am greatful to have so many new students at this school. As you are aware your school has combined with us due to reasons we cannot share"

"Four schools including this school have been combined so you'll see a lot of new face please take your time and get comfortable"

"I'll be going over the rules now"


Word count 783

Wow a new chapter anygay
Sorry if it didn't make sense I tried my best with it

I know this is a oneshot but I have to split it part 2 will be coming in two weeks

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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