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955 22 14

I look down at the list of things Stark has ever so kindly planned for me to do as it is my first day with no school:

To do:
𒊹︎ work out with the disposable dummies then with Bucky.

𒊹︎ clean your room

𒊹︎ work on the relationship between the two of you

𒊹︎ eat (both of you!)

𒊹︎ make sure Loki is entertained because we dont want any world dominations right now.

𒊹︎ read books or whatever.

This dude needs to chill we ain't that active.

"Oh come on V it won't be that bad!," i protest and she grunts.

I jog my ass down to the private gym space and set off the machine that spews fake bullets and dummies at us. So fun! Not...

"V?," i ask and she takes over. The fake bullets pass through us as she destroys them completely. Always nice to have back up.

"Oh wow okay! first thing checked off the list," i try avoid fighting Bucky as he is so vigorous and persistent.

"Come on then," i hear his voice and take over from V.

Why can't i fight him?!.

"Because i need to work on my strength and I don't want him dead," she groans and Bucky starts with his stance.

I spar against him and try tackle him to the floor. After a few tries i manage to semi achieve my goal. And by 'semi achieve' i mean not at all.

After two hours of vicious training, i'm bound to the floor. Sweating and panting my ass off. Bucky helps me up and i thank him before going to shower to get rid of the stench before i dare show my face in public.

I finish showering and change into something comfortable before beginning to clean my not so messy room. I manage to make it look completely spotless snd aesthetic.

That plant looks better over here.

I smile as i watch V kinda of re-decorate my room. We high five and celebrate our co-operation and bonding time.

"We work better together so we don't need to do any more working! Now it's eating time," i say reluctantly. She takes over and goes out to eat. I suppress my sick and allow her to do her thing.

Thank you Elise.

I nod and she allows me to take over again. My dad would be so proud...if he was here.

"Okay lets make a deal. I'm going to hang out with Loki so no dirty jokes, no controlling and messing. If you do as i say then i'll let you eat more people! A person of your choice just as long as they deserve it okay?," she comes out from behind me and looks at me.

"Deal," she says aloud and smirks before going back into me. I shudder at the feeling and walk into the compound.

"Hey lokes," i smile and go up to him.

One thing. Does he ever wash his hair?.

I chuckle and sit next to him on the sofa. I watch as he reads a crumpled up book. I gently start moving pieces of his raven hair behind his right ear.

"Hello darling. Hello V," he addresses us both, making me blush.

"How was your day?," he questions and i smile.

"A little rough at first but we managed it all in the end," i admit and he nods.

I could tell something was wrong so i waited for him to tell me. He didn't of course. I ran my fingers through his hair with a concerned look upon my face.

"Tell me," i insist softly. I saw tears threatening to release so i pulled him close to me, hoping V doesn't interrupt.

Loki's face nestled in the crook of my neck as he sobbed quietly. I cooed gently as i held him tightly and comfortingly.

"You don't have to tell me. I just want you to know i'm here," he stays silent and i smile.

I don't want to eat him anymore. He's nice.

I roll my eyes with a smile and ignore V's comment. I rub small circles on his back and hum gently, the material of the leather making my fingertips feel weird.

"I could order us take away and allow you to bore me with your stories!," i joke and hear his muffled laugh.

Loki rids of his tears and kisses my cheek. He takes my hands within his. The size difference is impeccable.

Marry us bitch!! Or i'll make you cry more.

I roll my eyes again at V and look into Loki's enchanting eyes.

"You're such a good friend," he smiles and my heart sinks at the use of the word 'friend'.

Ouch. Okay he's not nice, now can we eat?!.

"I'm kidding," he kisses my forehead and i sigh in relief.

This guy.


Word count: 813

Word count: 813

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Elise Brock {𝑆ℎ𝑒-𝑉𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑚}Where stories live. Discover now