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"You ready?" I ask to Cheol as he walks out of his room.

"Uh..." He looks down at his uneven tie. I chuckle and walk over and go down to his level and fix it.

"Now I'm ready" he smiles.

I return it and stand up.

"Excited for your first day of school?"

"Yep!! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!!"

"Whoahhh your desperate for school. Weirdo." I chuckle. "Anywayyyyy. We need breakfast. What do ya want?"

"Toast pleaseeeeeee"

I smile and ruffle his hair and make him toast.

"So when's Kang getting back from her space fight? It's been 2 months"

I immediately stop, and swallow my guilt

"What? Are you okay Y/n?"

I turn to him smiling, holding his toast.

"YEPIDO! I'm a badass don't worry about it. Anyway eat your toast or I'm going to be late for work! And you know how that went. My boss is such a dick. Oh well. I'm amazing! My badass self will never give in to that asshole!!" I grin.

Cheol laughs and finishes his toast.

Then we walk out of the flat and start walking.

"Thank you for getting me onto school"

"Oh please! It was the least I could do" I ruffle his hair. "I know I'm the best."

"Don't flatter yourself" Cheol jokes. I gasp dramatically and hold my heart.

"You evil bitch" I laugh. "SHOTS FIRED BLAAAAA!!" then I salute and fall on my back right on the path. "And death"

He laughs and I jump up, dusting myself down.


We laugh and carry on walking and make it to the school gate.

He looks down at the floor?

I raise an eyebrow.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Wha- yeah. Yeah I'm fine"

"You nervous?"

He nods.

"Hey listen little man" he looks up at me. "Your gonna do great. Do you know how cool you are? Everyone will love you and if they don't. Who cares. You don't have to change to be up to their standards. Their assholes if they don't like you. And what do we say about assholes?"

"Assholes are inferior and we are total badasses, so we don't care about them"

"Exactly. Don't say that at school though. I don't want to deal with crap phone calls" I chuckle. "Anyway you'll be fine I promise"

"You promise?"

"Would I ever lie to you?"

He smiles.

"If it makes you feel any better. I could come with you and embarris you more"

He laughs.

"Noooo! That would be worse"

"Exactly. Have fun. Or. As much fun as a kid can have at school" I chuckle. He nods and we fist bump and he walks in.

I phew and check my watch. Then Immediately start running for work.

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