A Mate's Despair!

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Deep satisfaction fills his chest as the final assassin falls under the fast strike of his silver sword, nothing more than a mass of black cotton. Finally clearing the balcony of those that dared intrude, save for this band of bandits weakest link. The one currently whimpering under the scrutiny of two very intimidating Alpha's in their wolf form, he would feel sorry for the man sat against the stone wall if wasn't for the fact he just tried to stab his father! He leaves the corpses to the men that burst through with Sehun, before stalking to take his place between the two wolves!

They finally have their weak link within their grasp, very soon they will have the answers to just whom has been feeding details of the pack to the winter clan. How they dared to try and infiltrate the encampment in the dead of the night, he can't bare to think of what might of happened had he not been awake. Up close to this weak link Chanyeol can see why this wolf smells like his pack, these tunics are familiar! They are the cotton under shirts many wear under their outer garments, these don't below you individual alphas or beta's either. The tunic form part of leather armour primarily used when the elders are visiting, these tunics are used for those who volunteer to act as bodyguards. Someone's been getting closer then he ever believed and very recently too, the recent stand offs between Blanca and Yukio, clearly served more then just distraction and intimidation!

Chanyeol can feel how his wolf is snarling and feel the potency of his pheromones, the man on his backside whimpers again. He can smell the fear in the air leaching out his skin, it's clear this wolf is terrified and so he should be! His life depends on his honesty, because if he doesn't give over the answers to save his pitiful life he will meet the same fate as his comrades! Nothing would bring him greater pleasure then having his own silver sword sever that guilty head.

Chanyeol however gets distracted when he feels the hair on the back of neck stand to attention, just as the normally calm air around them shifts. Chanyeol quickly scents the air and manages to catch the scent of that cloying smell of decay but it's not from this wolf at his feet. It's not even a millisecond before he hears a loud cry of pain behind him, the sound makes his heart stop as he tries to reopen the link between himself and his mate. He's met with nothing but an echo and just enough bond between them to know something is gravely wrong! He doesn't have time to offer an explanation, before he's turning and flying out the room.

He wills his body to run as fast he can, the sudden burst of pain through their link almost brings him down to his knees yet he grits his teeth and keeps running! It's not the kind of pain that stems from harm, this pain is deeper, more visceral and almost crushing as it seeps into their link! Afraid for his mates well-being he pushes his body so hard his legs start to cramp abs his chest burns as he crashes through the mighty oak doors to his private rooms! In time for all his nightmares to materialise right before his eyes, his tiny barely dressed mate being carried rather savagely on the back of a Yukio Winter! Chanyeol has nothing more then a glimpse of streaming tears as he watches Yukio jump down from the villa balcony and out through the vineyard and too the woods behind! All the while he acts very much like the wounded animal he feels as he screams out his precious mates name.

His throat burns in pain after the feral scream he just released into the night. He shakes with the intensity of so many emotions consuming him, as he tries to reign in his temper! Chanyeol doesn't care that he's probably woken his entire pack, not after screaming in agony like a wounded animal would. Nor does he care that he was able to make so much noise the pillars of the villa's courtyard shook from the sound waves of his roar of anguish. All he can concentrate on is devastating and sickening silence in the link he shares with his precious moon child! There's no comforting warmth to great his presence, there's just an echo of feelings. Feelings of shame yet determination are there at the edge of their bond, but it's nothing more then a whisper.

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