As The Blue Moon Weeps

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Chanyeol stands at the very edge of his balcony, his black silk robe billowing in the gentle breeze. The night still under a cover of twinkling stars and the bright blaze of the soon to setting blue moon. On the first night of a blue moon festival he would normally be still amongst the thick of celebrations leading the chorus howling at the sky above. Its a tradition of his pack to vocally give thanks to the gods for all their blessings after the first feast. The group  howl also signifies the start of packs biggest hunt of the year, it's significant as it's the hunt they use for coming of age pups to hone their skills, and allow them the only hunt for pleasure, it allows them to be at one with their wolves. The only exception to not completing a blue moon festival hunt is a the crowning of a consort. This crowning however is not just for any consort, what better way to celebrate a Blue moon then by crowning a most treasured rare blue omega, his own precious mate!

The deep darkness of the huts and only the sounds of nature filling the air, is proof enough his father has taken the reigns and explained to the pack just who their new mysterious visitor is. The excitement and joy suddenly flooding his consciousness proof enough in his finally reopened pack link, a link he carefully closed when his father alerted him that Baekhyun was awake and desperate to be reunited. He was quick to close the link with pack, his reunion with his beautiful star was always going to be a private affair. He is positive the pack will know exactly what they have been up to, Chanyeol may not be embarrassed but he is confident Baekhyun will be, should he discover everyone will know what they have been up to.

He willingly raises his head towards the moon above him basking in its blue tinted silver light, letting its calming rays soothe his soul. His life is about to change forever and in the best way possible, an excitement unlike any other fills his veins, how love and absolute need to protect fills his heart in a way he never thought was possible. He's experienced plenty of intercourse in his long 2000 years since coming of age, but nothing quite like he's just experienced. His past sexual encounters pale in comparison to what it's like to be fully mated, its indescribable really. The connection between them so blessed and magical, the link they share heightening their pleasure.

Baekhyun was so sublime in his arms last, never before has anyone responded to him like his precious moon child had! The sound of his whimpers, the feel of that delicate soft smooth skin under his fingers, the scent of his slick, the way he trembled in his arms. The feeling he felt when he discovered his own cock had created a bulge low down on that normally flat stomach, is something he can't wait to feel again, next time with his knot! His exquisite moon child was so magnificent, so strong and so brave. Chanyeol can hardly believe Baekhyun is now finally mated to him and him alone, he's dreamed of thai moment since he first laid eyes upon him. He quickly glances back, peace in his heart knowing Baekhyun is finally resting peacefully amongst the silks in what is soon to become their bed. Their intimate moments earlier drove him wild, a sudden twinge in his back has him wincing, and his wolf purring in pride.

He remembers vividly how he was perhaps a bit lust mad, and not as gentle as he should of been, instead of his planed gentle pace with Baekhyun comfortable underneath him on his back. He had Baekhyun all but bent over on his knees, placing him there like a rag doll. Lewdly lapping at his slick, without even asking his moon child if it was ok. Then kept him on his knees, as he overstimulated him both with his thrusts, and dominating presence. To lost in the moment to truly realise what he had done, he had all but mounted his unclaimed mate as his fangs pieced unprepared fragile unblemished skin. Chanyeol remebeds chanting the ancient claim rites but hadn't even given his moon child the chance to bare his neck, before he was sinking his fangs into his shoulder blade.

Had claimed his mate without any prior soothing ointment just kisses and a lick to the skin, yes licking the skin would of offered relief but not enough. He was coherent enough to hear the scream his precious child released. He's ashamed of how unhinged he became last night, his self loathing intensifies when he remembers the streaks of blood on the sheets, and on the back of his precious stars thighs. He hasn't forgotten the bruising on his precious stars shoulder either, at result of his fangs. Now they are mated his healing saliva will ease that pain, and close the two areas where his fangs pieced the skin. What he does hate is that he can do very little, save warming blankets and perhaps a tonic for the pain he knows Baekhyun will have within. He could call for the midwife, but she will have his head for being so rough, he shivers as he remembers how he used to cower  underneath her glare. Especially after explaining that Baekhyun is so much smaller then the average omega.

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