A Most Special mission

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Chanyeol stands in his human form gazing up at full moon, he loves how the bright silver rays of the moon soothe his soul. Those powerful rays however do nothing to tamper the excitement rippling through him, as he mimics the stance he saw that precious Omega take earlier. He too raises his head to the moon breathing in the lingering scent of wild flowers and honey of that beguiling omega. He still can't believe what he saw, how this small young person managed to make him feel  things  he has only ever heard about. He prays that the appearance of this delicate flower is perhaps a sign of favour from the moon gods. He prays that the will of the gods will allow that pure white gorgeous wolf be his mate. If so he will forever give thanks to them, one for deeming him worthy the second for keeping such a special creature alive. One special omega he plans to forever worship and lay his kills of the hunt at his feet in honour of his very existence.

This precious gift is the very reason he concealed his thoughts from his pack. He doesn't want to get his packs hopes up as this Omega may very well be claimed. Given what some clans did in what only feels like yesterday, he will not allow anyone to harm him. Thankfully he can sense that Sehun too concealed his thoughts, it has resulted in their packs being on alert! Its an action their combined packs haven't had to do for near a century, Chanyeol is so grateful his father though no longer the head alpha of the Park pack will be able to calm members, still at home in their territory. Whilst Sehun will keep it brief with the members of the pack who have accompanied then on this tour, no doubt curiosity will be rife about the change of plans. He knows those at the camp will be relieved at the change of plans, no one has said it but no one really wants to see him marry a beta from the Winter Clan. Now there is a strong possibility his pack won't have to watch him marry a member of a clan who beliefs don't really align with theirs. A clan that causes so much destruction!

A snap of a twig behind him has him instantly turning around to find two grey beta wolves, and Sehun and Jongdae. Chanyeol smiles he recognises the two grey adolescent wolves as Kai and Tao they aren't direct members of his pack, they are A part of Sehun's pack. He is surprised to see Jongdae standing beside Sehun, "don't look at me like that, I am fully capable of protecting you. "Chennie you will see when we arrive it is not Chanyeol that will need protecting!" Chanyeol smiles at the confusion on Jongdae's face "Sehun did you at least tell them why we are heading on this little detour?" He watches as Sehun shakes his head, "No I didn't want anyone to over hear what we are up-to, I would of bought more wolves but Luhan and the hunting party have not yet returned! I thought the reason for our excursion would be best coming from you."

Sehun is right they can not be sure there isn't a spy amongst them, he wouldn't put it passed any pack to try and infiltrate his ranks to gain the upper hand. After all knowledge of another packs day to day business is still a highly valuable tool should this new alliance fail. He is glad to know he isn't the only wolf who thinks spies are still being used, he could never understand why they were used when he was younger all it did was aide certain packs in their quest for destruction. All packs have always followed the will of the moon gods and their elders, well until the clan wars. No he will not call it clan wars, it was nothing more then a bloody wipe out where innocent omegas paid the ultimate price. Where their respected elders stood back and let a practically rouge pack run rife. Chanyeol vowed even back then, what the elders stood back and allowed to happen will forever be their great shame! The elders for their shame have lost much of their sway over the majority of the packs, it may have been their idea to unite the packs under a banner of unity, he will never let them forget their failings even if their insight is valuable.

He turns to Jongdae, he will always feel great sorrow for the would be Alpha, his leg was mangled when he tried to save his brother. He lost his alpha status, left the pack that all but handed over his brother to the winter pack  to this day even though he denies it Chanyeol knows his legs still causes him great pain. If any one deserves to know that just maybe his brother didn't die in vain it would be this man. Jongdae despite his bad leg has accomplished so much being a part of Sehun's pack, a pack who welcomed him with open arms and nurtured his wish to be useful. Chanyeol takes a deep breath, he knows what he says next will excite not just Jongdae but the young wolves too, " What Sehun means by his comments about the protection from me, is that we may have found someone who i would very much like to be my mate and that person will need all the protection they can get." 

Chanyeol can see the cogs turning just by Jongdae's expression, "we are not supposed to rendezvous with the winter pack for another two days! I saw the Moon Temple, I hardly think that pack would venture this far away from their territory!" "My dear Jongdae it wasn't a winter pack member that I saw, It was a beautiful young omega, not just any omega this young moon child is a blue omega." Chanyeol watches as Jongdae's eyes widen and the young wolves change in to their human forms, most likely due to all the disbelief in the air. "You are certain of this, forgive me alpha but how is that possible" Chanyeol can feel the hope from Jongdae and smiles as he sees the confusion on the young ones faces. "Sehun and I watched a white wolf morph in to their human form, Jongdae he had blue hair.  Before I could get close to him, wolves arrived and escorted him in the direction of our temple. Chanyeol looks to each wolf, each one almost standing to attention desperate for his next words. "We my friends are going to the temple to see if the omega is there, if he is I want to know why the elders were not informed. That wolf is a blessing one that has been without protection for a century, I wish for that to change." "You think he is your mate don't you?"

Chanyeol nods his head once, "I can't describe what I felt,  I think he felt it too, yet he is to young to understand it. Jongdae if I am right he would of been born to the last prisoner, the one we were told had died in Captivity. I also could not smell any sign of a heat." "Perhaps I can help I'm not a healer for nothing, I was taught how to discreetly observe wolves for heats, abuse, injuries both mental and physical along with pregnancy. If this wolf is as you say we will all need to be discreet, we do not need anyone form a different clan getting wind of him" "That is why it is just us four going on this most special mission. Tao, Kai should anything be a miss I will snap my fingers you are to return to camp and alert Luhan he will know what to do. I will also send a distress via out pack link to him you must not go to any other alpha. Jongdae be on your guard some at the temple may require aid. I do not think the wolves with the Omega were cruel." "We need to be prepared, understood."

"You do not need to ask brother, should any thing be amiss I will protect this gift with my life." Chanyeol nods to the wolves he would trust most with his life, "we must not be threat to those at the temple!" With excitement high in the air from those in his party, he turns to the direction of the moon temple whispering in to what he hopes will be a link to his mate wait for me my moon child.

Hello my lovelies, it's been a while I really hope you like this update I have added.

I know many of you will think this is slow moving  I just can't seem to help myself I like to give as much detail as I can and I hope I haven't failed.

I can promise chanbeak will be meeting in my next update so please stay tuned for that.

As always let me know what you think. ❤️❤️

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