15 : Marriage Plans

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Liam : I know it's too soon but I see you in my future. If there's someone I want to marry one day it's you but that one day is going to be so much sooner than we thought. That's if you accept...
Diana : You want to marry me? You're willing to?
Liam : Yes Diana I'll marry you.
Diana : I'm not proposing. -facepalm-
Liam : -laugh- So what do you say?
Diana : Are you sure....? This is big..
Liam : Positive!
Diana : ......If it's the best option to stay together then.....okay! Let's go for it because YOLO!
Liam : -laugh- Ready to become Mrs Prescott?
Diana : What choice do I have?
Liam : Come on then. Gather your papers so we can make the appointment at the wedding chapel.
Diana : Now?
Liam : We get married to.
Diana : Tomorrow?! That fast?
Liam : I need to get Amber out of the house tonight so once my mom finds out, I have to be married by then.
Diana : Okay... I'll look for my papers.

Prescott Mansion

I have most of my things packed by now. The thing is- I don't know what to do with my suitcases. How do I get them out? My mom is still in the living room. She might see me...

What if I throw them out the window?
Oh but what if my mom walks out?
Oh god....


Officiant : Okay it looks like you guys have everything set. All you need are two witnesses on each side.
Liam : Okay
Diana : Who are going to be your two witnesses?
Liam : My sister and I'll get my best guy fly over.
Diana : Well, Audrey and Rachel won't be in town so I'll have to ask some other friends I have.
Liam : Alright

Now we visit the Reynolds.

Jacob and Anne Marie's house

Diana : Hello! I hope I'm not intimidating

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Diana : Hello! I hope I'm not intimidating.
Ethan : Hey Di, Prescott!
Diana : Ethan, meet Liam Prescott, my fiancée. Babe, meet Rachel's husband. I think you've met before.
Ethan : You're getting married?
Diana : Surprise!
Ethan : Holy Shit congrats!
Noah : -Ethan! Mommy says wait!
Ethan : Okay buddy!
Diana : Hi Noah come here!!

Little Noah came up to me to give me a sweet hug. This kid is the sweetest and most lovable. Just like Anne Marie.

Diana : Liam meet Noah. Ethan's little brother and Anne Marie's kid. Noah say hi to Liam!
Noah : Hi Liam!!
Liam : Hello little man!
Anne Marie: Sorry I was finishing some work. What's up?
Diana : Anne Marie meet Liam Prescott, my fiancée. Liam meet Anne Marie Reynolds.
Anne Marie : Oh you're a lawyer.
Liam : I am. Nice to formally meet you.
Anne Marie : The pleasure is all mine.
Diana : We were wondering if you two could be my witnesses since Audrey and Rachel are out of town.
Anne Marie : I would love to and congratulations! But isn't it way too soon? You guys haven't been together long.
Diana : Really long story. I'll explain later,
Anne Marie : Okay! And don't worry I'll be your witness.
Ethan : Same here!
Diana : Thank you guys so much!
Liam : Thank you both! We should get going though. We have a few things left to settle.
Anne Marie : For when?
Diana : Tomorrow
Anne Marie : Oh my god!
Ethan : Damn
Diana : We'll see you guys tomorrow.
Liam : Thanks again!


Diana : One thing down.
Liam : Thank god..
Diana : Where are we going now?
Liam : I have to go pack my things.
Diana : Where are we going to be staying?
Liam : At your apartment.
Diana : At mine?
Liam : We can't be at mine. The apartment i got is for my sister.
Diana : But my apartment is little.
Liam : As long as it fits the both of us we'll be okay. it'll be for now anyway.
Diana : Okay...

Diana's Apartment Door

Amber : Hey!
Diana : Amber?
Liam : Yeah I told her to come here. I have to go but my sister will accompany you to get you a wedding dress and everything you'll need. Oh and don't worry I'll be paying for everything.
Diana : But-
Liam : I'll see you later okay? -kiss-

Amber : Yay! I'll have a sister now!
Diana : You're okay with this?
Amber : Why wouldn't I be? I've never seen my brother this happy. Now come on let's get you ready for tomorrow!

Amber and I went to the mall to buy me a dress, some shoes and a bouquet for tomorrow. We spent most of the afternoon picking them out.


Diana : Where are you taking me?
Amber : My brother wants to see you. He told me to take you to the beach.
Diana : Oh okay...
Amber : How do you feel about this situation? I know it's so sudden.
Diana : Honestly I'm scared...
Amber : Because it's so soon?
Diana : Yes......what if it doesn't work out?
Amber : Let's not think about that. The goal is to try to make it work right? You love being with Liam correct?
Diana : Yeah I'm really happy with him.
Amber : Then hold on to that. Trust me that'll help you get through everything.
Diana : Thanks Amber...


Liam : Diana...
Diana : Hey! -kiss-
Liam : I know I gave you a shitty proposal so let me do it again.

He got down on one knee and held my hand. He took me by surprise.
I wasn't expecting this at all!!

 I wasn't expecting this at all!!

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Liam : Diana Romero. You're the only woman I want in my life and if there's someone I want to spend the rest of life with, it's you. It's too soon to know what we're doing but I don't care. You're the one I'm willing to do crazy things for. Again, will you marry me?
Diana : Aww Liam! I would love too!
Amber : Awwwww
Liam : Oh shit- I forgot you were here.
Amber : Congratulations!!!
Diana : Thank you!
Amber : Oh and Liam, I managed to leave with my suitcase without mom noticing so we won't need to sneak out anymore. You haven't explained why I need to move out though.
Liam : Right..... I just don't want mom to use you against me to get what she wants.
Amber : Oh that makes sense. Where am I going though?
Liam : I got an apartment just for you.
Amber : Oh my god yay!!
Diana : Liam is moving in with me.
Amber : I truly wish you two the best of the best.
Dians : Thank you!

Oh my god I just hope we're not doing something we'll end up regretting later on....

To be continued....

𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑨𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now