An Assignment

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(We were assigned to write about 5 things we were feeling. On the page before this assignment, I only wrote 3 sentences, so I'm including them here.)

"I want to go home. I also don't want to feel stupid. I miss [REDACTED]."

(For my assignment, I decided to list 5 things I was feeling, and elaborate on them. The mental health ward gave this assignment to us as part of a "healing process".)

"Trapped, hopeful, nervous, sad, and inspired."

"I feel hopeful because I might go home soon. Hopeful, because I'll get to see [REDACTED]. Hopeful... because I will get to kick into overdrive my work and my life."

"Nervous... I-I feel nervous because... what if I return home and my mom isn't ready for me? What if [REDACTED] is mad at me for my sudden unexpected leave? What if I can't do my schoolwork?"

"I feel sad because I have this feeling that I can't be fixed. I feel that people are wasting their time on me, and I feel bad for them. I feel sad all the time as if everything is helpless... at least, on the outside."

(By outside, here I am referring to outside of the ward.)

"I feel inspired because the power of creation is in my hands. I feel like I could write forever. The words flow infinitely as soon as the pen hits the paper <3."

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