Chapter 2

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I felt my jaw drop as I took in the sight of the man in front of me. It may have only been a couple of years since our paths last crossed, but damn, the NHL did him justice. His dark brown disheveled hair, still slightly damp from his post-game shower. His tall muscular build seemed to tower over me, even sitting down. The man had to be at least 6'4 to my 5'4 frame. His emerald green eyes seemed to pierce mine as he settled down in the seat next to me, flashing a megawatt smile, nearing blinding me in the process.

"Glad you could make it out man. Good game out there tonight," Jase said as the two reached across me to shake hands.

"It would have been even better if you didn't have to be an ass and score on me," he chuckled.

"Maybe if you played better, I wouldn't have scored," Jase retorted. Elliott threw his head back and laughed, and man did I enjoy that sound.

"Quick being a dick, and introduce me to these beautiful ladies," he said before leaning in closer to me. I sucked in a breath as he whispered against my ear just loud enough for Jase and Gianna to hear, "How much is he paying you?"

"That's of enough out of you asswipe. This here is Gianna Morelli," he gestured before wrapping an arm around me, "and this is the love of life, Eleanore Taylor." A look of recognition passed on Elliott's face, trying to place where he knew us from. Jase seemed to pick on this as well. "These are probably the only two nursing majors at U of M that you didn't fuck."

Gianna's face scrunched up in disgust at his crude language, "Like you would even know who he was screwing. You were too busy swapping spit with Nora to pay attention."

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as I looked up at Elliott's raised eyebrows. As much as I wasn't ashamed nor regretted the college adventures of Jase and Nora, I didn't like the idea of Elliott knowing that those adventures existed. Instead of using my words, I chose to slam back my drink. "Wow, would you look at that, my drink is gone. I'm gonna go get a drink over there on the other side of the bar," I blurted, practically running out of my seat.

As I waited for the bartender to take notice of me, I felt a tall presence behind me. I didn't even have to turn around to guess who it was. "Eleanor, was it?" he questioned, my name rolling off his tongue. I felt my thighs clench at the sound.

"You can call me Nora," I replied, secretly hoping he wouldn't say my name again. I didn't like the things I felt when he said. Who was I kidding, I liked it a little too much.

"I'm Elliott Ryan," he smirked, waiting for my reaction to the well-renowned name.

"I know who you are. I've heard many girls scream your name, and not just in the rink," I bantered, trying to play cool.

He seemed taken about by my response, but only for a second before his signature smirk was back on his face. He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by the bartender. "What can I get for you?"

"I'll take a Vodka Cranberry." I glanced at the man behind me and realized I might need something stronger to get me through the rest of the evening. "Actually, can you make that a double?" I all but pleaded. The bartender nodded, but before he could make my drink a voice interjected.

"I'll take a whiskey sour, and you can just put these on the tab," Elliott added, extending his hand with the full intent to pay for both of our drinks.

"I can play for my own drink," I scoffed, not wanting to feel like a burden.

"And I can pay for both of ours," he countered as the bartender handed us our drinks. I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to figure out what his motive was.

"Thank you," I muttered, taking a sip of my drink.

"So tell me about yourself, Nora."

"Now why would I do that?"

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