Chapter 7

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Authors's Note

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Lots of Love,

I've always been a morning person. On my days off, as soon as the sun is up, I'm dragging myself out of bed and brewing myself a nice warm cup of coffee. Then, I go around and do all the housework that needs to be done. Once I'm finished being a functioning adult, I get ready to snuggle on my couch all day while watching awful reality TV.  It's really the perfect system.

For some unknown reason, this morning I was having a hard time bringing myself to open my eyes. I didn't know if it had anything to do with the warmth I was feeling or if it had anything to do with the feeling of someone's arm around me. Except, I lived alone with Gianna, who would rather die than cuddle with him.

My eyes snapped open as I took in my surroundings. In my groggy state, I was able to recall the events of last night. Here I was cuddling with Elliot Ryan in my sleep. I'm sure stranger things have happened. The man beside me started to stir. He opened his eyes and a look of confusion plagued his face before realization dawned on him and he looked up at me with a lazy smile.

"Morning Sweetheart," he mumbled trying to pull me closer to him.

"What happened to keeping your hands to yourself?" I whined untangling myself from his grasp.

"I'm sure you seduced me in your sleep."

I flipped him my middle finger before getting up to check my phone. I was not surprised when I saw zero messages from Gianna. They were probably still going at it like rabbits. Not that I blame the dude, Gianna had a lot of stamina from what I've heard through our walls over the years.

"I need some coffee," I announced, praying that this man had some form of caffeine lurking in his home.

"Lucky for you, I happen to have a coffee pot," he smirked before getting out of bed.

"Thank the lord. I'm like a zombie without coffee in the morning," I confessed, following him into the kitchen. He went to grab the supplies to make the coffee, but I stopped him. "I'm perfectly capable of making a pot of coffee. I do it every single day, and I'm the one who asked for it."

"But you're my guest," he pointed out.

"If you want to do something, why don't you order us some breakfast?" I suggested.

"I can do you one better. I'll cook us some breakfast."

"You can cook?" I doubted. I mean, there was no way this guy could be good at everything.

"I'm a momma's boy. She made sure that before I left home I was able to cook a few decent meals. She couldn't have her baby boy going hungry," Elliot joked, gathering all the ingredients he needed. "How does an omelet sound?"

"That sounds perfect. You make the food and I make the important stuff... the coffee," I teased. I went to turn my back, and felt a hard smack on my ass.

"Did you seriously just hit me with a dish towel?" I hissed.

"It slipped," he shrugged, but there was no missing the smirk plastered on his face.

I noticed a bag of flour on the counter and before I could even think about it, flour was covering Elliot's face.-

"Did you really just do that?"

"It slipped," I replied before attempting to grab another handful.

All of the sudden my hands are above my hand, my back is pressed up against the counter and I'm face-to-face with Elliot. I visibly swallowed, at a loss of words due to our close proximity.

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