Not So Great Outdoors: Part 1

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Reality TV has always been my guilty pleasure. The drama, fighting, scripted "love stories", all of it easily caught my attention. So, it was safe to say when I was scrolling through on my phone while doing my homework and seeing an AD pop up with an application for a brand new TV show on a 5 star resort, I simply couldn't help myself. The cash prize really caught my attention, 100k would really help me with college. Fuck it.

"Thalia! I have a task for you and don't you dare laugh or judge me." I yelled, setting up my camera and tripod to film my absolute tragedy that will be my audition. Thalia has been my best friend since 8th grade and once we graduated our senior year, we packed our bags and found a place to live together. We basically lived together all throughout high school anyways. Staying at each other's houses, picking each other up when some stupid shit would happen with our parents or siblings. We were each others family now.

"What's up, Aspen?" Her cherry hair and steel eyes peeked through my doorway. Her eyes landed on the camera and then shifted back to me. She cut her eyes and pushed the door open until she was completely in my room. "What in the hell are you doing?"

"I said don't judge! I just need you to make sure that my audition tape comes out okay." I crossed my arms, watching her try not to laugh at me.

"You are ridiculous, but I'm so behind this. What show are you auditioning for?"

"Some challenge show at some resort and the host is some guy named Chris Mc-something. He's done a lot of shows."

"Oh my god, Chris McLean?! I've loved him on that cooking show, not to mention he isn't bad looking either."

"T, he's old enough to be your dad."

"NO, he's 14 years older than me. Don't judge me if I'm not allowed to judge you. Now lets get your ass on this show."

Thalia adjusted herself behind the camera and gave me a thumbs up when the red light made its appearance.

"Hi, my name is Aspen Lancaster, I'm 20 years old and I am currently studying to become an orthodontist. Have to say, McLean you have very pretty teeth!" My eyes widened and I smacked my hand to my forehead. "Alright let's move past that...I'm applying cause the prize money would be absolutely amazing for my college debt and I'm not gonna lie, getting away to a 5 star resort would help tremendously with my nerves-"

"And help her possibly get laid!' T shouted from behind the camera, shooting me a wink.

"T! Please ignore her, I get laid plenty...wait, no that's not what i meant. Oh fuck it, look. I'm not the best with words, but hey I don't think I'm too hard on the eyes. You be the judge McLean."

With that T cut the camera and immediately burst out laughing. "God, Chris is gonna get the biggest kick outta you. He'll love you."


Going through my finished assignments, my email sounded off and caught my attention. It had been 5 days since I sent in my audition tape. I just thought they'd skim through it, get a couple laughs and then delete it. You could say I was more than surprised when I read the email.

"Congratulations, Miss Lancaster! You've been picked to be a contestant on Canada's new hit show! You and 22 other contestants will be brought to the resort and have the time of your lives. Remember 100k is on the line! Production will start in 7 days, so hop on it! Can't wait to have your personality involved."

From Chris McLean and the production team.

"Holy shit! T, you won't believe th-" I was cut off tripping over a hard but fluffy mound. "Damnit Moose. You can't lay on the floor and then expect me not to trip over you when I'm excited." The brown lab huffed in response and continued with his nap. Recuperating after my fall I continued onto T's room. "T! I got in. They actually picked me." Flinging her door open she fell off the bed with a scream.

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