chapter 3

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Chapter 3- christmas & cravings

     Remus hadn't seen as much as a glimpse of the redheaded girl since the night he had held her in his arms as she cried with him

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Remus hadn't seen as much as a glimpse of the redheaded girl since the night he had held her in his arms as she cried with him. As much as he tried to act like he didn't care, his friends watched as he scoped the Great Hall for her at every meal and scanned the courtyard for her anytime they exited the castle. It was nearing Christmas break and Remus just wanted to know how the girl was doing.

"Want to come to Hogsmeade with us Remus?" James smiled but the boy didn't return it.


"We can go to Honeydukes and I'll even buy you some chocolate. Your supply is running low!" Sirius offered and this made the boy perk up a little bit.

"Fine, but I don't want to stay very long." The two mauraders high-fived at finally being able to convince Remus to get out of the dorm and to stop moping and they happily dragged him to the snowy town.

They walked down the icy paths through the village and they had almost gotten to the three broomsticks before the girl in front of Remus accidentally slipped on the ice and was almost sent tumbling before Remus caught her in his arms. He looked down to see the girls face and his jaw dropped. Jacqueline.

She quickly got out of his embrace and didn't even thank him before she plotted her escape, but her arm was grabbed by Remus before she could take a step further. "Please just tell our child a boy or a girl." He glanced down at her slight baby bump as she was around 4 months pregnant now.

"We are having a little girl Remus and her name will be Hermione. I am giving her up for adoption to a muggle family named the Grangers. I want her to grow up away from the War and with people who know how to care for a child." She turned to leave once more and this time Remus didn't stop her. He was the father of a little girl..

     Back at the castle Remus was interrogated by Lily Evans who insisted she know everything about the encounter with Jacqueline. "So you're telling me that you're just gonna let her give away your baby! Just like that? Oh c'mon Remus at least ask her if you can raise the baby yourself, we would all help you!"

"Lily I don't think she has the intention of ever talking to me again if we are being honest and none of us know anything about raising a baby. Jacqueline was right... she needs responsible parents." Lily huffed as she slapped her forehead. She was becoming increasingly aggravated with the boy who she knew would regret his decisions later on.

     She knew deep down that Remus would be a perfect father and she was determined to get Jacqueline to realize that no matter what..."

     Lily abandoned her position on the common room couch as she quickly walked to the kitchens to whip up a desert she knew Jacqueline couldn't resist. She briefly remembered her mom saying she craved it during her pregnancy and prayed it would work with the Cresswell girl too.

     She stood back to look at her masterpiece which was a huge ice cream sundae and quickly picked it up and held it carefully as she exited the common room and went in search of Jacqueline. She knew that the girl hid out in the Ravenclaw common room as she had found this out by the weird map the boys had.

     She quickly answered the riddle and was allowed entry to the Ravenclaw common room and she walked up the stairs to the girls dorms where she opened the door with the plaque that read Cresswell without even thinking to knock.

     When she entered she noticed all the other beds were empty besides the one nearest the window where the redheaded girl sat looking lovingly at the tiny big onesie she had in her hands. The girl noticed the door open and looked up at the girl who still held the ice cream in her hand before she quickly threw the onesie behind her.

     "No offense but what are you doing in my dorm?" As much as Jacqueline didn't want to have contact with Remus she was not a mean person and was not going to be rude to his innocent friends. Well besides James and Sirius who were prats.

     "No offense taken. I brought you something." She handed the girl the bowl with a spoon and she looked down at it.

     "You didn't poison this right?" The girl tried to joke before quickly letting her smile drop as she saw how serious Lily looked.

     "You can't just give Remus' baby away. Please Jacqueline. He could be an amazing father I know it!" Jacqueline placed the bowl down and stood up ready to leave even though she was in what was supposed to be her safe place.

     "You can't leave Jacqueline. Stop trying to run away from this! This is a serious issue and you need to address it. My friend is devastated and you continue to treat him like trash! Remus is the nicest guy I know and he would have never done this intentionally and intended to stay your entire pregnancy and fully support you the moment he found out."

     "You think I want to just give my baby girl away? Lily you don't know me at all so I don't expect you to understand, but I don't have a choice. My parents have disowned me and told me that I either had to give her up for adoption or they would hurt her. I cant let anything happen to her Lily!"

     Lily looked at the girl finally able to understand her as she desperately searched for words to comfort the girl who she had just so wrongly accused.

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