39 : the stars are brighter tonight

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A skill San had mastered over the years was being able to keep a calm expression even though he felt otherwise. It was the most useful when his father would irritate or anger him about not yet getting married or bringing up his past mistakes he has already learned from. It was once again useful during this fine evening, a gleaming crescent moon up in the sky.

Once he was far from town and in the woods, San purposely walked slower, contrasting his rapidly beating heart. Half of him knew and acknowledged the fact that she isn't going to be at the bridge but the other half wanted to believe she was waiting for him and that it was all a lie. He wanted to find out quickly but he also wanted to save himself from further heartbreak if she wasn't there. He couldn't help it, he couldn't help but keep his hopes up even if he didn't want to.

Once he had gotten there, San was more disappointed than he expected himself to be considering he had given himself countless prep talks days prior to be ready for it but no one is ever ready for pain, are they? His initial thought was correct; no sign of Jiseol.

He doesn't know what it was but something in him urged to stay for a little while instead of turning around and leaving even if he was already hurting. San sat down on his usual spot where Jiseol would sit on his right, looking up at the exceptionally beautiful and brighter sky tonight. He took a deep breath, trying to control his breathing that gradually began to be uneven and shallow. Without even noticing, his eyes began to blur and little droplets of water cascaded down his face. From a shallow, quiet cry, it became louder and more upsetting to hear by the second.

The place that used to be his escape is now stained with bittersweet memories of a girl he loves way too much. Doesn't mean he regrets sharing that special place to her though. He has never felt so much love for someone and he himself is surprised he is capable to feel such emotions. But with great adoration comes great pain. It was an indescribable pain that he has never gone through either.

Everything felt so much colder and emptier. Not until he had sensed a warm presence behind him, feeling a small hand pat his back repeatedly and engulf him into a hug full of emotion. San didn't even have to get a glimpse of the person to know who it was. It was all too familiar. The one he shared his special place to.

The couple stayed in their position for quite a while, Jiseol whispering a series of apologies and sweet words to San. It was hard trying to keep her voice from shaking so much due to the tears streaming down her face as well.

When San had managed to get a hold of his tears, he looked at her as if she never did anything wrong. He carefully took her face in his hands and smiled warmly, eyes and nose still quite red from earlier. He had told Jiseol to give him her answer on the 3rd crescent moon from their fight and her being there was enough of an answer that she didn't mean what she said.

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