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      Hermione was hanging around in the library, as per usual, lost in thought, as she had just put a book down. Hermione was sucker for routine, she could do the same things every day, in the same order, and have no problem with the outcome whatsoever.
Now, though, even if she never looked too deep into the books she was reading, the messy-haired girl was in loss of words.
      So much though, emotion, over a very small, old, probably overused and near collapsing book, that talked about murder.
MURDER. And why was she so touched by such a brutal thing? It is Hermione Granger we're talking about. She was fascinated. The urge, the feeling, the freedom, the way this writer put the particular words together in this particular order, with this particular system. The dynamo of his speech, when now she was speechless.
She was thinking. Really fucking hard.
But this spectacular moment of deep thought and actual wonder about what was going on in the head of the person that wrote this, was ruined —or perhaps upleveld— by Pansy Parkinson walking right besides her.
      "I'm sorry, Granger" She immediately sighed, as if she knew what was going to happen. Pansy had accidentally bumped into Hermione's chair, shaking her out of her thoughts. She sure had looked dashing while doing it, though.
Her silk black hair cut sharply short, her bangs nearly covering her oak-like coloured eyes. Her sharp features glowing under the pale moonlight and the not-so-bright lights of the library, that were extremely dim at this hour. Wow. She thought.
"Huh? Yeah no, it's okay, don't worry." She stuttered, confused by this weirdly blurred reaction of hers. Hermione had a vague idea about apologies, as she had about pretty much everything. Apologies of that kind, appear only for the person causing the minor inconvenience not to seem rude.
      Hermione's brain started immediately after this blur. She shut the freshly finished book she had placed on her lap, and put it back in it's place. During these few seconds, Pansy had stayed by the brunette's side, searching for a particular book, from the shelf right above of Hermione's head.
The Gryffindor got up from her chair with a swift motion, and put the book back in it's place, where she had found it, just a couple of hours ago. Now, she pulled out a small piece of parchment from her skirt's pocket, a big list of books she had on her mind for "devouring" recently. She also looked up and went through the same books Pansy was going through. 'The pecks of being a wallflower' she read. And as she reached out to grab the book and head back to the Gryffindor dormitory, her hand touched someone else's.

      "Um, may I please take the book?" Said Pansy, clearly not in the mood for debating over the object, but still just wanting to take it and be done.
But Hermione also had a similar plan.
"Wait what? No. I wanted to take it first." Hermione replied fairly annoyed by the Slytherin's choice to debate over this.
"You wanted to take it first? What are we? A kindergarten? Grow up, Granger, and let me take the damn book." She spat sarcastically, rolling her eyes when Hermione closed hers  and let out a short sigh.
"Oh come on Parkinson, just let me take it!" She whisper-yelled, knowing the librarian, she wouldn't want to do anything louder. Unless she wanted detention. Which was not the case.
"No! Just let me take—" Pansy tried to whisper, but got cut by the lights forcefully switched off, scaring the two girls.
"What was that?" Hermione sounded fairly scared, which was not her usual state, throwing Pansy off, confusing her.
"What now, you're scared? Didn't you take down Voldemort or something?"
Whispered back Pansy, whose hair was now completely over her eyes, hiding her fear conveniently.

      After a moment of thinking, Hermione sat up straight and pulled her hand away from the book the two were previously fighting about.
"We should probably go check if everything is alright. Maybe it's curfew?"
She was thinking about the possibilities, of why on earth would the librarian close the whole room's lights, if it wasn't just time to go sleep.
And her guess was correct.
It's just that the librarian didn't have the best hearing possible, so she didn't hear the two girls whispering, in the far corner of the huge room, in the particular section, which's lights needed a refreshment.
And now that she was thinking about it, looking around, the library seemed pretty empty. Except for them, of course.
"Oh come on, you're going to pop a vein from the too much thinking."
Pansy just rolled her eyes and shook her head negatively. She then proceeded to drag Hermione over to the front office, where the librarian was supposed to be.
      Well, as many would guess, the poor woman was not at all there, neither was her coat, nor her huge stack of keys she always carried around, that one of them, was the only way the two students would get out of there.
"Huh! Looks like we're locked in here. You were right." Pansy laughed disappointedly.
"Do you know what time it is?"
Hermione then pulled out her wand, and with a swift motion, she gasped out loud.
"Oh Merlin's beard! We're late!"
She breathed out.
"Well?" The distress and anxiety was crystal clear in Pansy's voice. How she just wanted to get out of there and call it a day.

      "It's 11:30. It's late. We're really late."
Hermione stuttered out, not ever noticing that the hand —that belonged to Pansy— that had dragged her to the front office, had never let go of her. Pansy did. And she quickly let go, cursing under her breath.

      "We can't apparete right?"
She asked anxiously, saying something
—even if she knew the answer— just to fill up the lack of conversation.
"Uhh- no. I remember McGonagall saying that even if we are 8th years, we still can't apparete in the castle, for safety reasons."
Hermione had a really good memory, even if remembering what the Headmistress had said, brought to her a wave of annoyance and discomfort.
      "So what do we do now, just sit here and wait for tomorrow?" Pansy chuckled, not meaning what she had just said.
Soon, a frown was places over her features, once she had seen the 'yes' nod from Hermione.
"Oh you have to be kidding me."
She sighed and closed her eyes, praying for tomorrow to hurry.

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