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      Hermione woke up from the bright light streaming down onto her eyes.
Her vision was blurry and her muscles were burning. She quickly closed her eyes again, the sun annoying her and making her pounding headache even worse.

      She sat quietly and listened, tried to sense, remember where she was, and why.
Thus was, for sure, not her bed. It was way less soft, and she could remember the mattress of her bed felt different on her skin.
She also couldn't help but notice that she was in her school uniform from yesterday.

      When Hermione actually gained all five of her senses back, testing them all at least twice, she noticed the position she was in.
She was sitting on someone's lap, her hands touching the person's thighs, hands firmly wrapped around her waist, her own head burried in that person's neck.
Oh Merlin, What did I do?

      She felt something move from under her, then, the memories from last night's events hit her like the Knight's Bus.
Pansy stirred slightly, her breath quickening just so slightly.
      She tightened her grip around Hermione's waist, and brought her closer. The blush on Hermione's darkened a whole lot, and she wrapped her own legs around Pansy's lower waist tighter.
Hermione's heart started beating rapidly, faster and faster, louder and louder.
"Are you going to pretend to be asleep and ignore me for too long?" Pansy chuckled, with a tired and raspy voice.
Oh lord, not the voice.
Hermione gulped roughly, and pulled her head upwards, now almost facing the girl whose lap she was sitting on.
"No. I'm awake, as you can see" She smiled sweetly, sending shivers down Pansy's poor spine.

      "What are you doing to me?" Pansy whispered under her breath, eyeing the shorter girl sitting on her with a look of pure adoration. She cracked a sideways smile to Hermione's visible confusion.
"What did you just say?" She asked.
Her look was suspicious.
"Huh? Nothing! What do you mean?"
Pansy blushed in a shade of dark crimson.
"Don't lie to me, Parkinson." Hermione unwrapped her legs from around the black haired girl's waist and pulled away, smirking at the sound of dissatisfaction escaping Pansy's mouth.

      "Huh? What was that, darling?" She whispered in a soft tone her eyes darting to the Slytherin's lips for just a slit of a second. That didn't stay unnoticed by Pansy, whose hands didn't hesitate to grab Hermione's waist, and bring her back onto her lap. "You really thought you could escape me that easily, love?" Pansy emfasized the last word, the smirk on her face almost reaching her eyes.
"You're very pretty, did you know that?"
The Slytherin uttered without hesitation.
She was now sure. Wizarding World be damned.

      "Really? I didn't know. Nobody ever tells me that." Hermione's smile grew even more, the compliment currently being carved into her heart, willing to stay there 'till the day of her death.
"That's a shame. You should know, everyone thinks so, not just me. They just don't want to be embarrassed in front of you" Pansy continued undaunted.
The glimpse of hope growing in her eyes.
"I'm flattered." She laughed.
"Oh no, I don't think you look pretty"
Pansy rolled her eyes, teasing poor Hermione's heart, as a her eyes suddenly belt back tears. "I think you look beautiful."
Pansy tilted her head, her sweet smile spreading so much, it now reached a beauty mark she had under her left eye.

       Hermione's heart fluttered. She felt fireworks explode on every inch of her body.
She could her it so loudly and clearly, she truly believed Pansy could also hear it.
Her eyes widened, like a child who just received as a gift, it's favourite candy.
Her breath hitched on her throat.
      Pansy looked at her with pure love in her eyes. An emotion clear on both the girl's faces, deep into their hearts.
"Awww! Look at you!" Pansy decided it was a good time to break the soft silence, comfortable how it was, it was turning dangerous. She wrapped her arms around Hermione's back and brought her close, into a tight and warm hug.

       "Please tell me you believe me.' Pansy whispered in the brunette's ear, brushing her lips faintly on it. Hermione's natural reaction was to lean into Pansy's soft touch.
"I do, now, I do." And she did.
      Hermione wasn't the one to receive compliments about her undeniable beauty, but about her, also undeniable, intelligence.
Which, sometimes, hurt.
Yes, Hermione was smart, yes Hermione was the brightest witch of her age, but why did that mean she couldn't be outstanding in beauty, too?
She was a teenage girl, after all. All she needed was recognisation from her loved ones.
      Pansy was of course honest with her.
Hermione was outstandingly beautiful, as well as smart. With her curly soft hair, that seemed magical to the touch, her dark brown eyes, with glimpses of gold shining, making Pansy at the edge of having a mental breakdown.

      Hermione was outstanding at everything.
Hermione was talented, beautiful, intelligent, generally, perfect.
Something she couldn't believe about herself, sadly enough.
      She was raised in a way by her parents, as much as they loved her, and she loved them, to only care about getting good grades, having some friends, and being useful.
Not going out, not having fun, not not not.

      "I really hope you do. It's not appropriate to lie to yourself. You're too perfect for such sinful thing, lady Granger" Pansy chuckled lightly, reaching out to cup the brunette's face with her hand. The two looked deep into eachother's eyes, unconsciously, leaning towards eachother.

      "Ugh-hum" Someone coughed from behind them.
As both turned to look at the librarian, standing above them with a knowing smile on her face, they pushed eachother away and separated abruptly.
"M-Miss Pince! We got uh— locked in the library yesterday and we—"
Hermione was quick to cover up the mess for the both of them, when she was cut off by Mrs. Pince, herself.
       "Yes, yes, Hermione. I know. I figured. You don't have to worry, the both of you. You are both excellent students and will not receive any kind of punishment, but I would very much appreciate it if you got up and went to your dorms, breakfast starts in 20 minutes."
She smiled knowingly.
"Y-Yes Mrs. Pince, thank you!"
Hermione quickly got up, snatching the books from previously that morning, putting them back in their place, and grabbing Pansy's hand, dragging her out of the library.
All that, in about 5 seconds.

      "Wow, love, you're really fast!" Pansy allowed herself to be dragged by the embarrassed Griffindor.
"Shut up." The blush on her cheeks was rapidly getting darker and darker.
"Okay, princess!" Pansy teased lovingly, hearing the embarrassed groan leaving Hermione's mouth.
She laughed loudly, causing the very few students already out in the halls to turn and look at them.
It was going to be a good day.

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