busy busy busy

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this chapter took me 3 days to finish and i still don't like it  😃👍

thank you for bearing with me and enjoy

1145 words (kinda short...)

he'd given me everything i wanted and made me feel like the only girl in the world. he chose me when he could've had any other girl and it made me feel like we were destined to be together.

he would take me shopping, let me get whatever i wanted, he would show me off when we would go to press events and fundraisers. he gave me words of affirmation when i wasn't feeling confident and he loved me more than i could ever love myself.

i tried to give him as much energy as i could, but lately, we've both been tired and it was beginning to strain us a little.


i sigh as i glance in the mirror and adjust my dress straps before turning to put on my earrings.

i sigh as i glance in the mirror and adjust my dress straps before turning to put on my earrings

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(this but in the same blue as vinnie's suit)

"love, can you do me a favor and help me with this tie, please?"

i glance around the corner as vinnie comes out of the bathroom, fully dressed in his suit, hands adjusting the arms. "sure, vin,"

he walks over to me and i start tying his tie, feeling him looking down at me. "y/n, is something wrong?"

i look up and smile small. "no, there's nothing wrong. just a little tired."

he nods and i finish adjusting his tie, pulling his shirt sleeves to come a little out of his suit jacket. "do you want to only stay for a bit at the fundraiser? they only need me at the beginning."

i nod and say, "yes, please. the office has been stressing me out recently and i want to be supportive but i feel like i can't give my all tonight."

vinnie nods and runs his hand up my arm. "it's fine. we can call it in. and when we get back, i can run you a bath and we can just relax."

i smile and reply, "that sounds lovely. thank you." 

he smiles and kisses me softly on the forehead. i grab my clutch from the couch at the end of the bed and vinnie offers his hand to me. "ready to go?"

i nod and reply, "of course."


they all look like they fit so well together. i know that if i went over there, the conversation would stifle and they'd try to include me but i wouldn't know what to contribute to the conversation. i take a sip of my drink and andrew comments, "let me know if you want another." i nod and smile small in his direction before he moves to serve other people at the bar.

i feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see vinnie, who had made his way from the group to me. "care for a dance before we go?" i finish my drink and nod, taking his hand.

"i didn't tell you earlier but you look beautiful tonight, y/n." his hand holds my lower back as we stand in the middle of the dance floor and begin to sway to the soft jazz. 

i move my hand to hold his shoulder and hold the other hand that he has out to his side and answer, "thank you. you always look good in your suits as well."

he chuckles and looks down at me as we continue to sway to the music. i look back up at him and we lock eyes for a bit. i want to say we were communicating but i didn't know what he was saying. it was like a brick wall was blocking us and there was no way around, over, or through it to reach him on the other side.

i sigh and rest my head against his shoulder, turning my cheek and closing my eyes. his hand softly moves back in forth, in time with the music, and i let my breaths slow.

"y/n, i know you're tired. you put in so much work at your job and i know it's not easy running a fashion business but i appreciate all the work that you put in."

i look up and rest my chin on his chest, glancing back into his eyes. "thank you vincent. that really means a lot." 

he smiles and kisses me softly on the lips and for the first time in a long time, i feel something kissing him back.


i'm standing at the counter, in my robe and brushing my teeth with a face mask on when i hear a knock on the door. 

vinnie and i left shortly after our dance and we held hands on the way home. he had one hand on the wheel and as he was holding my hand, they were resting on my thigh. 

"y/n, i brought you the oil you asked for but we ran out of cinnamon so i couldn't grab some for you." vinnie announces, poking his head in.

i spit out the toothpaste and look up from the mirror. his hair is lightly tousled from his earlier shower and he places the oil on the counter. i rinse my mouth out and wipe my face with a warm rag to take off my face mask. i see vinnie hesitate before almost shutting the door and i turn to the door. 

"do you wanna join me, vin?"

he quirks his head to the side and comments, "i thought you were tired."

i laugh and respond, "not like that, goof. but the tub is big enough for both of us. i don't want you sitting and working when both of us need to relax."

he eyeballs the massive tub and asks, "what's in the water?"

i grab the oils from the counter and pour a bit of each in the water before placing them back on the counter. "flower petals and oats, along with tea tree and eucalyptus oil."

he nods and says, "okay." i smile small and pull off my robe, fixing the ponytail i have my curls in and slide into the water. vinnie pulls off his shirt and his tattoos flex over his muscles as he fully disrobes and slides into the water behind me. 

we get comfortable, my head resting against his chest and his arms resting over my stomach and he whispers, "how does this feel?"

"much better. thank you."

"you're welcome. i love you y/n."

"i love you too vinnie. and i'm glad we can both recharge now."

he leans down and kisses the top of my head, murmuring, "this was much needed."

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