Happiest day of our lifes

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    *Few months later after the heist*

R* - It has been a few months since we came back to Palawan, that day was so happy. I can still feel the hugs from my mom and Paula when they saw us after so long time. I was in our house standing in front of the mirror looking at myself in a beautiful white dress thinking about all the happiness I felt while being by Sergio's side and that this day will soon become the happiest one. I couldn't stop smiling in the mirror, I couldn't stop thinking that I will live this happiness forever. As I was getting lost in my dreamy thoughts Monica came into the room. She came closer to me and smiled as she hugged me looking in the mirror with me.*

M - You look so beautiful.

R* - I smiled.*

M - It's time to go, Sergio is waiting for you.

R* - Suddenly my eyes dropped a little lower and I put my hand on my little baby bump. I smiled even wider.*

R - Okay let's go.

R* - We left the room and walked on the beach. I was standing in front of the altar seeing my mom, Paula and the gang sitting on their chairs waiting for us to get married when Palermo came to me and started leading me to Sergio. Tears started appearing in my eyes as I walked closer. It was all so beautiful, the sunset made the sky to show beautiful colors, the soft sound of the waves was calmly hitting into my ears and Sergio's smile was melting my heart more and more with every other second. Soon I was standing at the altar with Sergio, holding our hands while looking deeply into each other's eyes with the biggest smiles on our faces. The priest started talking, but that wasn't important, not for me, not in that moment. All I could focus on were his beautiful brown eyes and the sparkle in them. We didn't say anything while the priest was speaking, but I could hear every single word he said by his eyes and smile.*

Priest - Now you can read your vows.

R* - The priest said and Sergio started.*

S - Raquel, mi vida, there's no words to describe what I feel for you. You're my everything, you're the one and only thing I need to be happy. Nobody has ever made me feel what I feel, your smile is sending goosebumps all over my body, your smile is the light in my darkness. I didn't believe in love, I didn't know what it is before I've met you. You showed me what it really means to be in love, what it feels like to have butterflies in your stomach. You showed me the beautiful part of life that I've never even dreamed of. Raquel... I look at you and I see pure happiness, I see all the beautiful memories we have built together, I look at you and I remember all the dreams we have ever dreamed of and I want to make every single one of them to come true... People say that wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, but no, that's not true... That's not true, because I'm living my happiest days while I'm with you, while I can hold your hand, kiss your sweet lips, smell your hair... I- I remember when you said to me you're pregnant... I was so happy, I lifted you up and hugged you tight not wanting to let you go... I'm living my dream life that I didn't know I was dreaming about. Thank you Raquel, thank you for loving me, for being here with me. I'm the happiest and the luckiest man on the earth because I have you. You went through hell because of me, I made you cry and I'm so sorry. I promise to be always here to wipe off every single tear and make you smile again, I promise to be here for you no matter what... And if you will ever get lost in a dark alley I promise to be the light that will lead you out of there and show you the colors of the world, because that's what you did when I got lost in my dark alley. I love you Raquel Murillo and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to keep falling in love with you more and more with every other day, I want to share with you every moment... Till death tears us apart.

R* - I was looking at him speechless, this... This was something beautiful. Tears started escaping my eyes and soon I could feel his thumbs wiping them off. I couldn't stop smiling... I love him so much... I took a deep breath and began to read mine.*

R - I love you so much. You saved me when I was falling into the deep dark abyss, when I was giving up on love... You came and made me feel like no one ever did. You took me into heaven with your love. When I see your beautiful smile I can't do else than smile too. When I kiss your lips I feel all the butterflies flying around us... I remember our first night... I will never forget that. I will never forget how I felt while we were lying on the small couch holding onto each other tightly, I will never forget that magical moment when you played on piano for me, I will never forget our first kiss that is so special to me... When I found out who you really are my whole life fell apart, but the real you... the real you I didn't know at that time, came and picked up all the pieces from the ground and suddenly all the pain disappeared and all that was left was just happiness... Nothing more than happiness. You're making me the happiest woman in the world and I want to keep on making you the happiest man. I promise to be there for you in happiness, I promise to be there when you will be at your worst I promise to wipe off your tears and walk by your side. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, because I can't imagine living without anymore. I need you, you're the part I was missing, but now I have it and I feel so full, so alive, so happy. My life became a fairytale when I met you and I want it to continue... I love you.... Till death tears us apart.

R* - There was just a silence for a while and in that silence I could hear sobs. I didn't look at people sitting in front of us, but I knew they were crying. I noticed Sergio's tears and I couldn't do else than smile and wipe them off.*

Priest - Okay so here you Sergio Marquina, do you take thee Raquel Murillo as your wife?

S* - I smiled and I was so happy to say it. I took a deep breath and said with a confident voice.*

S - I do.

Priest - And you Raquel Murillo, do you take thee Sergio Marquina as your husband?

R* - I smiled at him and without thinking, without any doubts I said.*

R - I do.

Priest - You may now kiss the bride.

S* - The priest said and I didn't hesitate. I wrapped my arms around her and our lips met in a deep passionate kiss. People were clapping and crying out of happiness as we were kissing. We broke the kiss and looked deeply into each other's eyes crying and smiling. We wiped off each other's tears again and looked at people now standing in front of us.*


R* - We were all celebrating, it was just me, him, my mom, my little daughter and the gang dancing on the beach. We were all having fun and as we all danced it reminded me of the night before the heist. The night with the fish, because we all had so much fun and so we're having now. It was already dark, but we were still dancing, still laughing. After some time we took each other by our hand and walked together a little further from the gang. We were in more silence now and we looked into our eyes again.*

S - I love you so much.

R* - Tears appeared in both of our eyes.*

R - I love you too.

R* - He kissed my lips.*

S - And I love this little one.

R* - He said now caressing my belly and I couldn't hold my tears anymore. *
R - Sergio I'm so happy, I love you so much.

S - I love you too, don't cry.

R - He brought me into a tight embrace caressing my hair and soon denver came to us.*

D - Hey, what are you two doing here, it's time to party, let's go.

R* - We looked at each other and smiled.*

R - Yeah, we're going...

R* - Denver left and Sergio kissed me.*

S - Let's go.


R* - And this was it... We spent the whole night dancing and laughing... We lived a magical night. The next day we said goodbye to everyone and left for our honeymoon. We walked a long way together, but this is just a start. Our new start... With a clean shield... Now we don't need to be afraid, nobody is looking for us anymore. Now we can start living our live, new life...*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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