feeling bad for not remembering someone so sweet

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Around the time all the boxes were at a car, it was emotional on Reid's side as he was leaving the people he knew to meet up with people who were basically strangers to him at this point.

"Take care, kid. And better not get nearly killed this time, we can't be sure that you would end up here again" Victor said, squeazing Spencer's shouders in the fathery way.

"I'll be careful, I promise" Reid said with a smile, turning towards the SUV to get in when he heard someone call out his name. "Spencer!" it was Carie, she was sprinting towards them.

"Carie, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" Victor asked the young lady.

"I know, I'm so sorry, I just... I just had to see him" Carie said, turning to Reid.

"It's your fight" Victor sighted.

"I... I don't know what to say, this never happened to me before, wow" Carie laughed nervously.

"How about 'see ya someday, hopefully soon'" Reid said for her as she jumped around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"I will miss you so much" she mummbled through tears.

"So will I" Spencer replied, also hugging the smaller woman tightly.


On their way to Fargo, Spencer questioned Hotch multiple questions about the team and his family and other stuff he probably should know, but forgot.

Hotch parked the car, telling one of the local officers to get the boxes from the car to his team, leading Reid upstair from the garages to where the team had their little place.

Hotch entered the room first, seeing only Emily, Rossi and Garcia were there, talking with each other, not even noticing Hotch coming into the room.

"I'm bringing a surprise" Hotch said with a smile, the three looking at him in confusion.

"Hotch, we both know you're bad with jokes" Rossi said, the girls giggling, stopping immidietly as the other man walked inside, waving at the three awkwardly with a "Hi."

"Reid, my boy wonder, you're okay" Penelope said, getting up and hugging Reid.

"But how, why what?" Emily said in pure confusion.

"So, to answer everyone's questions, he was in Clifford police station, and the reason he nor anyone ever contacted us is because Reid has amnesia" Hotch explained.

"So he doesn't remember us?" Garcia asked, looking at Reid as she broke the hug.

"Sorry" he said, feeling bad for not remembering someone so sweet as the girl.

"Well, the doctor said that outer factors and familiar things might help me remember" Reid explained, turning it into rambling about brain functions.

"Not much changed, honestly" Prentiss stated.

"Well, only the memory part of my brain was damaged, therefore-" "Okay, I don't care how that works" Emily cut Spencer off.

And so, the team got back into work, Reid joining and it was like as if he'd never left.


After couple hours, JJ and Morgan walked in, noticing the change immidietly, freezing on spot. Jeniffer got back into reality first and ran towards Reid, hugging him tightly.

"Spence, I... what happened? How are you here? Is is this just in my head?" Jeniffer nearly cried, confusion written all over her face, and so Hotch explained everything to the two (JJ and Morgan).

"So, he doesn't remember us?" JJ asked.

"No, but since you guys will be with me nearly all the time, there's higher chance I will ever remember than if I stay in Clifford with all the people I didn't know before" Reid explained.

"Okay, good" JJ said, calming down slowly.

"However, there's still a pretty high chance I will never remember, but I want to believe that I'll remember" Reid said with a smile.

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