Part 2

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Phoebe's Pov:

Walking up to the Villa, I had never been so nervous in my life. I've just had to act as calm as I could possibly be while they told me to walk over to the hot tub for the slow motion shot, but I was honestly shaking inside. 

I slowly slid down into the hot tub like they said waiting for the producer to tell me what to do next. Wow, hope everything isn't this awkward when I get in there.

"Here is your phone, text whoever you like, no one is off limit. Say whatever you want and send it as soon as you are ready," the producer told me handing me the phone. I sent him a small smile before he completely disappeared off in the distance leaving me alone on the Terrance.

I had obviously been watching the show up until now, and I'm really attracted to Tommy. I also feel a little sorry for him because of the love triangle with Lucie and Joe. He's obviously gorgeous and he's caught my eye from the start, so I decided to message him. 

'Hey Tommy, I'm waiting for you in the hot tub, in the hideaway Terrance. get your swimwear on and come join me. Love, Phoebe x'

Tommy Pov:

As we all sat around the firepit, I started thinking about the triangle I'm in. 

I feel like I shouldn't have to be an option, if Lucie wanted me, then it would be obvious. However, to her it's not. She's a nice girl but I hate that I'm already getting played around with this early on.

A sudden alert coming from my phone distracted me from my thoughts. "I've got a text." I told everyone as I reached into the pockets of my jeans to grab the phone.

"Hey Tommy, I'm waiting for you at the hot tub, in the hideaway Terrance." I was shortly cut off by the screams of my fellow islanders before I carried on reading the message, "get your swimwear on and come join me. Phoebe. With a kiss." 

I smiled to myself, thinking about how perfect her timing was. Especially as I was just feeling off with my confidence, she boosted me right back up again.

I couldn't help but to smile brighter, hearing my friends chant for me and feel happy for me. The lads rushed me off to the changing room, but not quick enough for me to miss the sour look on Lucie's face.

At least she has Joe right?

Me and the boys danced around the bedrooms like lunatics, it's good to know I have the lads.

Phoebe's Pov:

I don't know if I've said this yet but, I'm really nervous.

Sitting waiting for Tommy to come up made the anxious ball in my stomach grow even bigger then it already was. I began to wonder if he was even coming but that feeling disappeared when I saw a head pop round the corner of the door. 

He looked as nervous as I felt, but gosh did he look amazing. 

"Hello." I said, deciding to stand up and greet him at the side of the tub. I didn't want to just sit there and watch him approach me, that felt a little too weird. 

"Hiya, you alright?" he asked me, as he welcome me into a small hug. Wow, his body felt amazing. I leaned back getter a quick look at his face before replying. 

"Yeah, I'm good thanks, how are you?" I asked, with a cheesy grin on my face.

"I'm really good." he told me, his smile almost as bright as mine. 

"Would you like to come in?"

"I would love to."

 I moved back, resting my back against the side so he had room to climb in. I couldn't help but look at his thighs in his black swim shorts. As he sat down, he gave me a kiss on the cheek before placing his back on the other seat rest, facing me.

"So, you must be Phoebe, I'm Tommy."

"Yes, I definitely am." I told him with a laugh. "Can I just say that your eyes are absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank you and likewise, you're absolutely stunning."

I was already thankful for my full face of makeup otherwise my face would have been so red right now. I don't think words could describe how much of a gentleman he is.

"Thank you" I gushed. "So, how old are you?"

"I'm 20."

"Oh that's great, so am I." 

He let out a soft chuckle before returning eye contact, "Really? We've got one thing in common at least." I laughed slightly at him. He is literally my type on paper. I'm actually really happy I chose for him to come meet me.

"So, I know you're a boxer, but is there anything you like to do in your free time?"

"To be honest, I don't really have a lot of time to do much other then boxing but when I do I'm more a chill in bed type of person, I don't really go out much."

"Yeah, I'm the same. I do have some party type friends but I never really have the time to go out with them."

 "What do you do for a job?" he asked, actually sounding interested. 

"I'm a dancer." I told him. His eyes opened wide, and his jaw dropped. "What do I not look like a dancer?" I asked messing with him.

"W-what no, no I-I mean yes you do. You look gorgeous..."

"Tommy I'm kidding." I said, resting my hand on his arm closest to me. He visibly took a deep breath before showing off his pearly white teeth again.

"Thank goodness, you had me scared for a second then. Thought I'd messed up already." We both let out a little laugh. I don't even think he could mess up at this, it's like he's a natural. 

We carried on speaking about how busy both of our work schedules are, and it was nice to talk to someone who understand what it feels like.

"You're actually very easy to chat to you know." I spoke honestly.

"Really, you think?" he sounded like he was in disbelief.

"Yeah, I don't know what it is but you're just fun to talk to, and I haven't felt awkward at all being here with you."

"You've only known me for a good 10-15 minutes but be honest, what is your first impression of me?" he asked, getting slightly closer to me, no longer having his back pressed to the edge. 

I could honestly talk about him for days.

"I love that I'm able to just talk to you, like you make things easy for me. Like I was really nervous coming into this but you've just done great. You're obviously insanely good looking, and I'd like to get to know you more." The smile on his face once I said this was indescribable.

"Well, I think you ,phoebe, are Hella gorgeous, with a banging body and I too would love to get to know you more."

Before I could even reply, a text sounded from my phone, scaring both me and Tommy. I grabbed it off the side and read it out: " Phoebe, It's time for your second date, and this time the public has voted who, Please send Tommy to go get Curtis.  Hashtag, take your pick. Hashtag, One out one in."

"Wow, that's a bit shit." I laughed at Tommy's reaction, even though my stomach swarmed with emotions.

"I gather you are not happy with this?" I say still laughing.

"Well, yeah. I'm really happy here with you and now Curtis gets you. At least he's a good guy."

"I also don't want to ruin what he has with Amy, but I can just see what the crack is. But..." I lean over into Tommy's open embrace. "It was so nice to meet you."

I felt his soft lips place themselves against my cheek once more, "it was so nice to meet you as well."

Tommy Pov

As I exited the hot tub, all I could think about was her smile. Gosh she was just amazing.

Wow, I really hope Curtis doesn't get into her cause she is just perfect.

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