Part 4

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Phoebe POV:

"...Hey everyone."

The boys were up in an instance to come greet me, which I thought was extremely kind of them. However, the girls decided to take their time before raising from there positions to come see me.

Lucie was the first one to come see me, which I was really surprised about but I didn't mind. "Hiya, I'm Lucie. You look really lovely."

"Hi I'm Phoebe, you're stunning girl. It's nice to meet you." I say, giving her a hug. The other girls made their way over, except Amy, who ran off with Curtis.

"Hi I'm amber."
"Hi, I'm Anna."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Phoebe." I gave him both a hug too before we walked together. "How has been in here for you guys?"

"It's been good." Amber said, as we all sat by the fire pit.

"So, how was your date with Curtis?" Joe asked, as everyone gathered round, but not Amy and Curtis still.

"I wouldn't call it a date. I knew him and Amy were close, so it was a surprise to me when it said that the public had voted him to come see me. I knew they had something, so I strictly made it obvious that i was there for friend purposes with him and he also made that clear too which was just easy for us both."

I look over to see that Tommy looked as if he was relieved to hear it, even though he had his arm wrapped around Lucie. That obviously made me a little jealous, because yeah I did feel a connection with him and now it makes me feel as if, he didn't feel it too, and nothings changed for him.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Amy approaching. "Hey, how are you? I'm Phoebe." I rose to give her a hug.

She put on this smile that anyone could tell was fake while returning the hug, "Hi, I'm Amy."

"I just wanted to let you know now, I know you guys have a thing, so I didn't even try anything with him and we simply had a chat about everything I've missed up to now."

"Well, that's good to hear." She said, looking at him while sitting down.

The boys all left to give us girls time to talk.

"So, what's your type?" Yewande asked.

"Literally, I told Tommy this. He is 100% my type, like the tanned, with big muscles, but also kind and sweet at the same time."

After having a long chat with the girls about where there heads were at, we all went inside to get ready for bed. I didn't want to wear anything special so I got into my sweats and made my way to the bedroom.

Soon the lights went down, and we all went to sleep. Well...not before I waved goodnight to Tommy...


As soon as the lights turned on everyone was up and getting ready expect me. By now everyone has left the room, and I'm still in bed trying to get the last bit of sleep.

I hear the door leading from outside open, grabbing my attention. I see Tommy walk through, as great as ever.

"I guess you're not a morning person." He laughed, walking over to my bed.

"Not at all." I said rolling over to face him.

"How about...I make you a nice cup of tea for you, while you get dressed and I'll meet you outside."

I smiled, looking up and him. "That would be nice, thank you."

He walked out the door as I climb out of bed. How are these people getting up so early.

After brushing my teeth and hair, I got dressed into my bikini and walked outside to meet Tommy at the kitchen, like promised.

He smiles upon seeing me, making me return the smile. "Here you go."

"Thank you, you're a life saver." I told him taking a sip of it. "What do you do in the mornings here?"

"I normally go down to the gym area and do a workout."

"Maybe I'll just have to join you." I say with a smirk.

He lent forward close to me before smirking back, "maybe, you will." As I finished my tea, he walked away without saying goodbye.

That was before he stopped to look at me. "Are you coming then?" He asked, waving his arms at me.

"Tommy, I was joking." I laughed at him.

"I wasn't, come on."

I jumped down from the stool and followed behind him. He handed me a pair of the smallest boxing glothes there, while he put the pads on his.

"Tommy, this is ridiculous. I have no idea what to do." I said, fake jabbing in front of me, making him laugh.

"Okay, well out your hands out in-front of your face, right..." he guided my arms upwards, making my arms tingle. "...there."

"Like this..." I asked before punching a pad on his hand. His hand moved back and his eyes widened.

"I thought you said you'd never done this before."

"I haven't." I laughed. He shook his head at me as I carried on punching his hands.

"Well, you've got a good hit on you. Remind me never to mess with you."

I winked at him but I really do hope he doesn't mess with me anyways.

I notice that Lucie and Amy were looking down on his from upstairs, but I couldn't careless because I was having fun and that was all that mattered to me right now.

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