Part 8

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After the breakfast me and Tommy made our way over to the pool, sitting on the beanbags.

"How long have you been dancing for?" He asked.

"My mum put me in dance when I was 4 because I was actually a really clumsy baby, so she thought the best idea was to put me in it to improve my balance but as I got older I just grew to love it."

"Have you always been close with your mum?"

"Yeah, she was my best friend growing up."

"What about your dad?"

I sat up slightly at the mention of my dad, "my dad died when I was seven of cancer."

"I'm so sorry." He said, giving me a sympathetic smile. I smiled back at him letting him know it was okay.

"I'm alright with it. It's mainly the reason why me and my mum are as close as we are now. Like my older brother took it hard and at first distanced himself from us. But then he realised how much we could help each other by being with each other."

"That's great that you have such a good relationship with your family."

"What about you and Tyson?" I asked, remembering he has a brother too.

"I think we are good, like he's always got my back. I just think I've always been in his shadows a little bit with the boxing thing but everything's good."

"Have you always wanted a cheerleading girlfriend, to sit ring side and cheer you on?" I asked.

"Yeah, 100%." He nodded. "Like especially in the changing room, giving me confidence to go out and do well. Do you think you would ever go to one of my matches?"

"I would, if you'd come watch one of my shows." I laughed with him.

"Of course, I would."


Later on, I sat by the fire pit joined by Anton.

"So, what are you thinking? Who do you want to get to know?" I asked.

"Well, I was hoping to carry on getting to know you. Obviously, if that's what you wanted?"

"Yeah, that totally okay, with me."

"You're a good looking girl and I wanted to see if we had anything, cause I'm partnered with Amber but that's a friendship thing so I'm basically the only single guy."

"Yeah, so you'd just want to be getting to know everyone and seeing what they're about." I said, understanding his situation with Amber.

"I spoke to Tommy to before that I was looking to carry on getting to know you l, cause I did not want to do this behind his back and him thinking I'm being sneaky or anything."

"And I'm guessing cause you're sat here, he was okay with it." I laughed.

He laughed along before adding, "Well that's what he said, but those daggers he's sending me with his eyes say otherwise."

I looked over to Tommy and saw what he meant, until he saw me looking and sent me a smile before carrying on his conversation with Curtis.

"So you're 20?" He asked.

"Yeah, I've only just turned 20 actually."

"Wow, so you looking for an older guy."

"Yeah, but not too much older just someone around 25-26 maybe." he laughed before pointing to himself.


Tommy POV

I'm already beginning to really like Phoebe, she's a great and stunning lass. I watch as she sits having a conversation with Anton and I'm not going to lie, I do feel quite insecure.

I feel the bed dip down next to me and I see Curtis. "How you doing, Tommy?"

I sighed loudly, turning so my back was across the bed and I'm looking up into the bright blue sky. "Mate, I just don't want things to repeat themselves, like with Lucie you know?"

"Let Anton talk to her." he started. "Let him do his thing."

"Do you think he's a threat?" I asked.

"No, absolutely not." He said, sincerely. "From the conversation I had with her in the hot tub, I think he eyes are on you and she's just having a friendly talk over there."

I nodded, "Thanks man."

"Honestly Tommy, you need to have a bit of faith in yourself because you and Phoebe would be great together."

"I appreciate that bro." I replied, pulling into a bro hug.


Phoebe POV:

As we were all getting ready for night you can hear the distant annoyance of amber as she found out Anton has used her razor. 

Outside, the music was loud and everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves, drinking together. Me and Curtis even dropped in some of our ballroom moves to show everyone up, which was extremely fun to watch Tommy and Anton try copying us.

Sitting by the firepit, a game of Jenga had been set up for us to play, with truths on them.

Anna went first and her block to ask Sherif said, "Have you ever Ghosted anyone?"

"Yeah." he said in an obvious tone, which is fair because I don't think I know anyone who hasn't.

Then Ywende asked Michael, "What is your biggest turn on?"

To which Michael replied, "A powerful woman."

It was then Tommy turn to ask me one, "What is the worst thing that has happened to you during sex?"

"Oh My God, probably when he called me by my mums name..." i watched as everyone jaw dropped while they laughed. 

"For real?" joe asked. 

"Yeah, he full on moaned it and everything." This caused everyone to laugh once again.

Sorry Mum. 

It was my turn to take a question, and I was more worried about knocking the tower then the question.

"Tommy, what is my most attractive quality?"

"I think probably your gorgeous eyes."

Wow, this boy really understood the assignment.

Sherif then went to take his turn. "Anna, have you lied to me about anything you have said already?"

"I mean no." she replied.

"That's good I believe that." he replied seeming happy.

"You haven't asked me enough question, for me to do that." She sent back sassily.

I watch as he rolled his eye, "That's enough, give it a rest."

After a few other people went, me and Tommy went again. "Phoebe, have you been turned on by me yet? and if so, when?"

"Yes, when I first saw you in the hot tub, that was a sight to see."

However, on the next go Anton did knock down the tower of truth so that was the end of the game. 


When the game was over we all settled into bed after washing and changing.

...And i may have gave Tommy a small cuddle.

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