Part 3

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Tommy POV:


Walking back down to meet everyone I was just amazed. She was just a stunning girl, who was so easy to talk to. I felt as though I'd known her for years.

She has really got me intrigued about who she is and what her story is.

I saw all the guys by the fire pit and picked up my pace to meet them. As soon as they saw me they were quick to ask questions. I sat down and put my head in my hands.

"Woah, mate was it bad?" Curtis asked, patting me on the back from beside me.

I shook my head showing them my wide grin, "No, No. The complete opposite." They immediately began to scream and shout again, just like they did when she texted me.

"So, what is she like?" Michael asked.

"Honestly, she's a 10/10. Like 100% my type, I'm just annoyed that she has to go on another date." After i said this the boys instantly looked around at one another. None of them really knew what to say.

"Curtis lad, it's your turn." His jaw dropped as soon as I said this. He wasted no time getting up and walking over to Amy to reassure her with a quick kiss.

Not that I was being nosey but I slightly listened to what the girls were about to say as me and Curtis walked inside. I could tell by the look on Amy face that she was angry but I don't feel too bad because I know Phoebe said up there that she is not looking to Break anything between them and is simply looking for a chat.

I also know that this was not Phoebes choice and that when she comes in, she should not be isolated for this.

Phoebe's POV:

Not too long after Tommy left, another person came and walked out the doors to join me outside. Curtis is obviously very attractive but he's not really my type, but I would love to get to know him as a friend.

"Hello." he greeted coming over to the hot tub.

"Hey, how are you?" I stood up slightly to give him a hug, as he slide down into the pool.

"I'm good, How you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm actually doing really good, I'm still a little nervous, but not too much."

"Well, that's good then, wouldn't want you to feel overwhelmed."

He's a really nice lad, he seems genuine. Amy is a lucky girl.

"Well, I'm Curtis Pritchard."

"Well, I'm Phoebe Williams." we both laugh slightly. "I love your pink shorts."

"It's salmon actually, sweetheart." he says in a sassy voice. He tries to stay serious but we both end up laughing.

"I'm going to be honest, I did feel bad when it was you that got picked because, I know you have a little thing going with Amy and I didn't want to ruin that for you or her." I told him, believing it's best to be truthful from the start.

"Yeah, well me and Amy get on really really well and she's a gorgeous young lady."

"So, is Amy giving you everything you want right now?" I asked, sipping on my drink.

"Yeah. At the moment she is."

"I love that for you." I told him, nodding my head. "So, tell me what everyone's situation is down there."

"Well, nobody is actually really with anyone yet. But I will fill you in darling..." He said in a funny voice, filling up his glass of champagne.

Tommy POV:

"Is she cute?" Amber asked as we all lounged around outside.

"I think cute is an understatement." I said under my breathe. "Yeah, she's nice. Very nice. Like she said that she'd like to get to know me more." I said loud enough for them all to hear.

"I wonder what Curtis thinks of her." Amy said slyly, drinking from her glass. I was honestly a little annoyed at her behaviour tonight towards someone she hasn't even met yet.

"I wouldn't get too in your head about her, because the way you are already trying to picture her in your head is completely wrong." I said, rolling my eyes and walking away. I'm not trying to be childish but I don't want to sit and be involved with people who I know are already going to make it hard on her.

Amy, Amber, Anna and Lucie have already made me feel uncomfortable by talking about her, so I'd really hate to be her coming in to these group of girls.

I see Lucie following behind me and i just decide to sit down at the swing and see if she sits with me.

"Can I sit?" she asks.

"Yeah, Yeah."

We kind of sat there for a minute before she spoke, neither of us really knowing what to say.

"What is she really like?" Lucie asks me.

"She's really good but at the end of the day this still doesn't change the fact I like you." I told her, looking into her eyes.

"I'm jealous but it's cool." I nodded my head understanding her. That's how I felt with her and joe.

"Yeah but we'll just have to see where it goes." I said, kissing her cheek and saying goodbye to her.

Phoebe's POV:

"What do you think of Tommy then?" Curtis asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me. In this small amount of time, I can already see him being like a big brother to me because he's just so genuine.

"He's a really nice and i honestly didn't expect him to be as chatty but he was really nice to talk to."

"He's got the softest heart ever."

"See I get that, and he just seems so real you know."

"He is and I think you guys would be great together." I Giggled before hearing the phone go off once again.

"Phoebe, it is now time to meet the other islanders. Can you and Curtis get ready to leave...Oh no I'm scared."

"Don't be."

Curtis gave me a helping hand out of the hot tub before grabbing the towels and going our separate ways to get dressed.

Curtis gave me a helping hand out of the hot tub before grabbing the towels and going our separate ways to get dressed

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Once I was dressed, I met with Curtis again before we linked arms and walked out to meet everyone else. Curtis kept whispering for me not to be scared but honestly, how could I not be.

When we got outside, I caught the eyes of the girls on the beam bag seats and my heart sunk when I saw that they all looked unhappy with me.

However, I had to keep my head up high...

"...Hey Everyone."

Island Of Love - Tommy FuryWhere stories live. Discover now