It's Raining Somewhere Else...

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Hello, gays, how have you all been? It's been quite the while, and I've sorta fallen out of the fandom. I'll try to keep posting (as long as @MapleSandwich keeps threatening me into it /j on that note go check out their works, they're quite a great writer if I do say so myself!!) Anyways, take this one unnamed character (could possibly be any character but I wrote it with c!Purpled from November/December in mind) only angst (??? not really but still) because I'm in the mood.

The title is from the song, same name as the fic, from the Undertale album (by Toby Fox).

TRIGGER WARNING: There aren't any really, although in the end note I say a cuss word that wouldn't get bleeped out on the radio.


They walked through the field, boots crunching under the snow with every step they took. It seemed the longer they walked, the louder the crunching became. 

The snow was practically untouched, which is all the better for what they have planned. The less people that know of this place, the better, in their eyes at least.

Eventually, as the field seemed to recede into a bustling street, the mindless crunching came to a halt. They stood in front of the main road named, ironically, Main Road, and started counting the cars.

Five had crossed, one red van, a minivan that was either grey or black, they couldn't tell, an old car of unknown origin that was more rust than color, one car that looked like the white truck your parents told you to not climb into when offered candy, and a green Jeep full of maybe six teenagers who were blasting music by an artist they didn't recognize.

They took a deep breath in, wincing at the chill, and turned away from Main Road. There's too many people, too many things, and too much noise over on that side of town for them to ever find it slightly enjoyable.

Yet they still had an inclination to watch the town move.

They turned around and walked back through the snow, careful to only step where they had stepped previously; they had gotten enough snow in their boots to last a lifetime on the way there and they didn't feel like increasing the large amount of frost building up on their pant leg.


This is really short, like 366-words-including-this-bit-and-the-beginning-thing short, but I don't have enough motivation to continue writing at the moment.

I hope you're having a great day and I, Wattpad user sam_iforgot, am now forcing you to do one random act of self care. Now. GO DO IT NOW. (I'm not forcing you to, but please do. Drink some water, take that shower you've been putting off, catch up on some sleep, hell, even searching up fluff on AO3, just try to do something good for you if you can, and as always, my DMs on both Wattpad and Discord are open if you need to vent.)

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