When Life Gives you a Prison Sentance...

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Prompt from a writing prompt book by @ softfortwt

The first prompt btw.

"Well, this is a nice change of scenery," Purpled stated, looking around.

"It's a prison cell." Tommy muttered, tearing slightly, past trauma's from being imprisoned coming back to him.

"I was being sarcastic, Tommy." Purpled informed, sighing.

The room wasn't very big, but it worked. It was one of the smaller cells in Pandora's Vault, a prison that was designed to keep in anybody who broke the laws, even the person who had it created.

"Hey Toms, are you good? You're all pale and look like you're about to die." Well, at least Purpled got to the point.

Tommy tried to put on a fake smile, failed, and collapsed onto Purpled, hugging him tightly and crying into his chest.

Purpled had no clue how to respond to this gesture other than to try and make it look like he knew what to do. Fake it 'til you make it, ya know?

"W-why? Why he-re of a-a-ll pla-ces?" Tommy choked on his words as they came out of his mouth.

Purpled was becoming more concerned every second Tommy cried, probably because Purpled was confused on what to do.

Should he push him away? Making a bond with someone means they can hurt you, and Purpled didn't want that.

But on the other hand, Tommy really needed someone. He was an absolute train wreck, I mean he's back where he literally died. That wouldn't be easy to deal with.

The two just sat there for a few seconds then Purpled caved and hugged him back.

Purpled had (but never will admit to) started crying.


Awesamdude, better known as Sam, was spinning in his chair in the security room of the prison when he started to feel like something was off.

The first thing he did was check the cameras from the main cell, but nothing new was happening. Technoblade was just ringing his bell over and over again and Dream was suffering.

Well, the issue isn't Techno and Dream, at least. That would be worst case scenario.

Then he started to check the rest of the prison.

He only had four prisoners in this hellhole, so he only had to check those two.

When he checked on the security cameras in their room, he was met with the two boys crying onto each other.

Wait, Purpled's... crying?

"What the hell?" Sam had muttered, it was barely audible.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Oh god, Dream's going mad again. I mean it's normal, so Sam ignored it, but it still broke his train of thought.


"And, and, why he-re? WE COU-LD HA-HAVE BEE-N ANYWH-ERE EL-ELSE, AN-AND WE HA-D TO BE HE-RE!" Tommy screamed, sadness and fear turning into anger as he choked back his tears.

"Shhhh, it's okay. We could always be in a worse situation." Purpled rubbed circles into Tommy's back, trying to calm his a bit. It did work a bit, Tommy seemed a bit more calm, and he seemed to become more calm by the minute in the comfortable silence.


Sam decided to check the cameras again and make sure everyone was still there because he had overheard Techno and Dream planning ways to get out earlier and needs to make sure they haven't.

Well, Techno and Dream haven't got out for sure. Techno was still ringing his bell too. That's the entire reason he muted the monitor he had those too on.

Sam then went to check on Purpled and Tommy, who had just ended up in here today because they had gotten caught planning to explode Las Nevada's and Quackity asked for them to be put in here, and Sam didn't want to go against his boss.

He looked onto the monitor he could see the pair on and saw Tommy asleep on Purpled, who was leaning against the wall and trying to fall asleep while smiling.

Either that kid is so affection-starved that when Tommy went to hug him he had smiled or something else happened.

Sam guessed the first and left the two to be.


Sorry I haven't written for this in like a day, I couldn't think of anything to write.


do it. practice the art of self care. NOW.

I haven't even read through this so please  tell me if there's any spelling mistakes.

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